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Kaya didn't notice how large Ransom's presence loomed until he left the room. 

He had said that she was thinking like a public figure. Kaya didn't like that. Was she a public figure now? Is that what a misunderstanding and a crazy fan club could do? 

Either way, Kaya didn't want to take her chances. She counted to one hundred before she ventured back to the ballroom. 

No one paid much attention when Kaya returned. In their world, she remained insignificant. Just a girl sent to deliver a cake. 

The venue staff had cleaned the glass but, thankfully, left her cake and tools alone. 

Kaya took up her position by the tiers and tried to refocus her brain. Just a few more minutes and then she could leave. That did little to cheer her up. 

It was the first time she moved to the other side of the cake to fix a decoration when Kaya noticed it. A pair of dark eyes staring at her from across the room. 

Ransom was in the middle of a conversation with a whole flock of females, but though his lips moved, his eyes remained focused on Kaya. 

It must be because of the scandal. His disdain for her. 

Kaya tore her gaze away and pressed the last of the chocolate blossoms to the front of the cake. Nevermind the way he cared for her during the glass incident. Nevermind her thumping heart. She could never really get involved with someone like Ransom Lee. 

Yet, those eyes followed her as she packed up. They tracked her progress out the door. After that? Kaya didn't know. She made it her mission to get to the catering van and out of there as soon as possible. 

"Ms. Parker." The deep voice found Kaya just as she put the last tool in the back of the van.

Keep your distance. 

It was all she could actively do. 

Kaya closed the doors and spun, only to find Ransom Lee too close for comfort. She side-stepped and started around the side of the van. "What do you want?" 

"I have a question." 

"I have a lot of questions, too, but it isn't good to be seen together." Kaya reached for the driver's side door. Started to pull it open. 

Ransom's hand pushed it closed again. 

Kaya spun, regretted it instantly, and took a step back. Her back hit the side of the van. "Wh-what's... your... your question?" 

"Did you really not know who I was?"

Kaya looked up, face screwed up in confusion. "That's your question?"

Ransom tipped his head, studying Kaya's face from his position. 

"How narcissistic can you get?" Kaya slapped a hand at his forearm, intending to move it off her door. "Let go, I'm leaving." 

Ransom let go when she opened the door again, which seemed unusual from what she knew of him. 

"Remember to come see me when it all gets to be too much for you." Ransom shoved his hands in his pockets. 

"Thanks, but no thanks." Kaya slammed her door and locked it. She had no intention of seeing Ransom Lee ever again. 

Then again... she hadn't meant to see him today, either. 

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