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Kaya wheeled the food cart into Tobin's office and toward CEO Lee's door. Without thinking, she turned the handle and went in. 

Had she been properly alert, Kaya would have realized her whole series of mistakes at that moment. Unfortunately, she hadn't recovered her mental capacity. 

The entire time that Kaya laid dishes on the table in the middle of the room, Ransom  watched with those dark eyes. 

Kaya didn't care how awkward the silence. She didn't want to strike up a conversation. 

Ransom spoke first. "Where were you all afternoon?"

"Out." Kaya shrugged her shoulders. 



"That's a lie." Ransom scrawled his pen across a piece of paper, flipped the file closed, and rose. "Did anything happen?" 

"No." Not while she was out, anyway. Her brain started spinning after she came back, but she would omit that fact. 

"Is there a specific reason you took the entire afternoon off?" 

"Is there a specific reason that you seem to know about what I did?" Kaya froze, a plate halfway to the table. "Did you have me followed?" 

Ransom shook his head. "The fan club shot pictures of you and Zoren. Tobin updated me upon learning about them." 

"Dang, they work fast." Kaya set the plate down and stood to her full height. Not that it did much when faced with Ransom's height and presence. "Please enjoy your dinner." 

"Have a seat." Ransom motioned her to a chair. 

Kaya took a step back. "Why?" 

Ransom surveyed the generous buffet set before him. His hands settled deep in his pockets. "I think this meal is meant for more than one person." 

"You have Tobin." 

"And you. It might take both of you." Ransom jutted his chin toward a chair again. "Stay. Eat." 

"I'd rather be alone." Kaya didn't want to break down in front of her boss, no matter what he already knew about her. No matter what he had seen. 

"You seem preoccupied. I don't think being alone is a good idea just yet." Ransom turned back to his desk and reached a hand to press the intercom button. "Tobin, come in and eat." 

Kaya debated running away again. When had she not run away? But, this time, she considered staying. It was quiet and safe up here in Ransom's office. Like a treehouse or nest, away from the rest of the world. He hadn't asked why she seemed downcast. In fact, he hadn't asked about her mood at all. 

Maybe, this once, it would be okay to take a breath before she ventured back out into the world. 

Kaya slowly sank into one of the chairs. The food did smell delicious. It didn't taste bad, either. She had tasted bits as she made it. She should eat something, if only to live. 

Ransom ditched his suit jacket at his desk chair and took a seat across the table from Kaya. He didn't say anything, just took up a fork from the tray and started uncovering dishes. 

Tobin left the door open when he entered. He didn't say anything, either. As if both of them knew that Kaya needed the quiet. As if both had a silent understanding that not asking her what was wrong might be the very best medicine they could give her. 

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