The Chase

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"Has everything been returned to you?" the police officer asked in a monotone. 

Ransom secured his watch on his wrist and gave a nod. He hadn't come in with much, anyway. 

"Sign for it." A clipboard appeared in Ransom's line of sight. 

This man must hate his job. Ransom couldn't imagine how many times a day he went through this same ritual. So Ransom didn't argue. He merely signed for his belongings, turned, and walked away. 

Tobin met him at the door. 

"How is she?" Ransom asked. 

"I checked in on her just over an hour ago. She seemed decent, given the situation. But, sir..." 

Ransom stopped mid-stride, concern flooding him when he heard the tone of Tobin's voice. "Go on." 

"Ms. Fairchild and her friend are waiting for you by the car." 

So it began. Ransom hadn't expected things to go so smoothly. That's why he had taken countermeasures. Because having a Plan B always worked to his advantage. 

"What happened?" Ransom asked Tobin, just in case he might know. 

"I haven't had the chance to ask." 

Sure enough, Alicia and Jacob stood prancing by Tobin's vehicle, both looking concerned. 

Ransom didn't even have to ask them what went wrong. Jacob held out his phone, a video cued and playing. 

"Seven minutes ago," Jacob announced, "The cameras at the apartment caught Big Sis leaving with this man." 

Ransom squinted at the footage, then shook his head. "You don't have a plate number?" 


"Tobin, keys." 

Without a word, Tobin handed over the car keys. 

"Everyone get in."

They didn't have much time if this happened so long ago. They had to do something. Had to find her quickly, before something terrible happened to her. 

Ransom slid into the driver's seat and started the engine. "Alicia, this is your time to shine." 

"Oh, it is?" Alicia leaned forward in her seat. "Tell me what to do and I'll do it." 

"Make an announcemet to the fan club. Find Kaya." 

"On it!" Alicia opened her phone screen and sent her fingers flying across the keyboard. 

Ransom pulled out of the police parking lot and turned into the street. His fingers drummed against the steering wheel, itchy with anxiety. 

"First response says she saw Kaya at a stoplight," Alicia declared. "Market street."

Ransom veered into the turn lane and flipped on his blinker. At the same time that his phone rang. 

Ransom dug the device out of his pocket and passed it to Tobin. "Answer for me." 

Tobin did as asked, then turned on the speakerphone. 

"What the Sam heck is going on?" Zoren's voice. 

Ransom sighed. "What do you mean?" 

"I mean that Kaya called me. Video called me. And it sounded like an abduction to me."

"Did you happen to see anything useful?" Ransom snapped. 

"I have a plate number. That's it."

"Get someone to find the registration. We're on our way to Kaya now." 

Neither man said it, but both knew. This wasn't the time to fight or argue. They would work together for the sake of the woman they both loved. Zoren didn't bother to say goodbye, but Ransom had full assurance he would do what he had been asked. 

Alicia leaned forward again. "I've got a group of people saying they saw Kaya heading out of town. Their bus is on the same road." 

Out of town? That meant only one thing. Richard Aberdeen wanted her somewhere without cameras. 

"Find out the exact location. Jacob, map out their path for me. Try to predict where they're going." 

"On it, Boss!"

Ransom rolled his lips together. Nothing could happen to Kaya. He wouldn't let it. She would be okay.

If only he could convince himself of that.

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