The Forgotten Assignment (pt. 2)

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The rain started five minutes after Kaya and Lina left Jade's apartment complex. Not a good omen. 

"Is it supposed to rain like this all day?" Kaya asked. 

Lina shook her head. "The weather was saying rain all week." 

"Then why didn't we bring an umbrella?" 

"It wasn't raining." Lina shrugged her shoulders like it wasn't a big deal. 

Of course. Lina would give that excuse. What kind of friend was she, anyway? Kaya rolled her eyes. Lina had flighty moments, but Kaya would still trust Lina with her life. 

As if she knew Kaya had too much on her mind already. Lina didn't speak another word the entire way to the Conditus building. Weird, especially for Lina. 

Kaya chose not to question it. Perhaps Lina's silence was a little blessing from heaven in the midst of an already tumultuous day. 

"Let me run in and grab it, then we can go." Kaya escaped the car as soon as Lina pulled under the overhang and out of the rain. 

She thought nothing of going alone until she entered the lobby. 

Kaya realized she should have been much more prepared. And, maybe, she should have listened to Ransom Lee's advice. 

Picketers stood, sat, and marched in various places throughout the lobby. The signs were less than comforting, especially considering that Kaya was at the apex of their rage. 

Kaya stopped and flipped her hood up over her head. 

Okay, think. It can't be that bad. All you have to do is get to the kitchens. What's the shortest, safest route?

Kaya took a moment to peruse the lobby. Maybe going to the kitchens by way of the service door wasn't the best idea, considering the amount of angry teenagers in front of that door. 

So she should go through security. She would be safe there. 

Kaya set her sights on the security gates and her feet to motion. No matter the picketers just outside the gates. All she had to do was get past them. 

Except... she didn't have her company ID on her. 

Talking to the guards would expose her identity to the crazy fans. 

Kaya stuttered to a stop, mere feet from the gates. What did she do now? 

Her fingers drummed against the side of her leg. What to do... what to do... Who would help her out? She couldn't reveal who she was. 

"Ms. Parker?"

Kaya glanced up, only to meet the eyes of a security guard she knew well. Lawrence. 

Lawrence glanced around to the picketers, some of whom had turned their attention to Kaya. Without a word, he swiped his security pass and motioned Kaya forward. 

Kaya tried not to run, but she did walk faster to make it through the gates. 

Lawrence took a stance on the other side of the gates to push back the fanatics who ventured closer. 

A hand clamped around her arm and tugged. 

In an effort to hold in her scream, Kaya squeaked instead. 

"It's just me." Ransom waited until Kaya had regained her balance before he planted his hand on the wall beside her, effectively cutting off her escape. "Why are you here?" 

"I had to get something." 

"It couldn't have waited?" 

"I was supposed to deliver it yesterday." 

Ransom sighed. "Is it possible to talk you out of this?" 

Kaya shook her head, but she couldn't quite hold eye contact with Ransom. She hadn't meant to cause trouble. 

"Are you here alone?" 

"Lina... Lina's in the car out front." 

Ransom took a step back to pull his phone from his pocket. "Give her a call. Tell her to go back to Jade's." He opened his screen to dial a number. "Tobin? Start my car for me, then you can go home for the evening. Oh, and if the picketers aren't gone in an hour, kick them out of the lobby. Where am I going?" Ransom arched his brows in Kaya's direction. "Let's call it a date." 

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