A Full Day's Work (pt. 1)

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Sleep didn't find Kaya easily, and thus she found herself in the Conditus kitchen before seven in the morning. The least she could do was to make breakfast for Ransom before they left for the day. 

Though she was thoroughly aware that he wouldn't pay her overtime for this early morning work, the rote muscle memory of baking cleared Kaya's mind.

She would leave the sweeter treats for the Conditus kitchen staff. Only the savory would go with her to the CEO's office. Baking would prepare her for the long day ahead. A full day of trailing after Ransom Lee. At least Tobin would keep her company along the way. 

As the clock counted down the last minutes to eight o'clock, Kaya packed up a set of plates and headed for the door. Somehow, she managed to avoid the kitchen staff on the way. 

Still muddle-headed from the evening prior, Kaya and her basket of treats made their way to the elevator. 

The doors opened with a soft whoosh. 

Ransom Lee stepped out, followed closely by Tobin. 

Kaya took a step back. 

"You're early." Ransom glanced at the picnic basket in her hands. "Breakfast?" 

"Yes." Kaya held it up. "But it appears you're leaving without eating." 

"We'll eat on the way." Ransom shoved his hands into his pockets. "Shall we go, then?" 

Not that she had much choice. Kaya fell in step beside Tobin. She didn't understand the purpose of Ransom's asking her to come along, but she had a niggling suspicion that he had ulterior motives. 

A passel of guards met Ransom at the door. Their attention remained on the CEO, but Tobin made sure to usher Kaya around to the far side of Ransom's car and open her door for her. 

One thing Kaya knew for sure: should something happen, she would be on her own. The guards were for Ransom only. Tobin, too, would remain loyal to his boss. 

Like always, Kaya would have to look out for herself. 

"What did you make today?" Ransom asked as his door shut. 

Kaya set the basket on the seat between them. "I hope they're to your liking." 

Ransom opened the front flap of the basket. "You've been tense and distant since yesterday. Did something happen?" 

"Nothing important." 

"Did the fan club do something?" Ransom pulled a biscuit from the basket. "If so, say the word and I'll scold them." 

"Your fans don't need you to scold them. They did nothing." 

"Then please explain what happened to make you this way." 

"I don't want to." Kaya tried her best not to glare, but Ransom pushed all her buttons. Why did he have to be so nosy?

"Well, I can't force you."

The basket snapped closed. 

Ransom leaned back in his seat. "You would tell me if something were the matter, wouldn't you? Since we made this contract to ensure your safety, it would be irresponsible of me to overlook something that bothers you so much." 

"I'm fine and even if I weren't, this particular issue is personal, not professional. Shouldn't we draw a line somewhere?" 

"Didn't you know?" Ransom broke off a piece of biscuit. "My expertise is crossing lines." 

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