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Kaya would have liked to say she understood how she ended up in Zoren's apartment, waiting for answers. In reality, she didn't. 

Of course, Zoren and Lina sat across from her, but that meant nothing. Neither would open their loose lips to tell Kaya why the media still camped out in front of the apartment. 

Though Kaya had heard about twin telepathy, she had never witnessed it. Until today. 

For the better part of five minutes, Kaya watched Zoren and Lina talk with only eyebrows and facial expressions. Entertaining, yes, but also extremely annoying. Especially when she had no idea what any of it meant. 

"I'm not actually dating Zoren, am I?" Kaya ventured to ask. 

Both twins turned to stare at her. 

"I mean... A couple fake dates wouldn't hurt anything, right?" Zoren dropped his gaze to the table, where his pointer finger drew a random pattern. 

Lina elbowed him in the ribs. "Of course you don't have to, if you don't want to. He was just trying to get you out of that situation." 

"About that." Kaya nibbled at the inside corner of her lip. "How did they know who you were, Zoren?" 

"Who? Me?" Zoren chuckled nervously. "I mean... as far as questions go... that's... that's... actually a really good one." He winced, squeezing his eyes shut. 

Lina sighed. "I don't think we can keep it from her anymore." 

"Keep what from me?" 

Zoren clamped a hand over his sister's lips. "Nothing. We're not keeping anything from you." He shrieked and yanked his hand from his sister's face. "Did you just bite me?" 

"You should know better." Lina folded her arms. "Either you tell her or I tell her." 

"Guys, what's going on?" Kaya rubbed a thumb against her temple. She already felt the headache coming on. 

"Okay, me, then." Lina opened her mouth to explain.

Zoren used his fingers to press Lina's lips closed again. "I'll tell her, I'll tell her! Gosh." A heavy sigh settled in the room. "You know when you asked about my car?"


"And I told you it's a really long story?"

"Still yes." 

"It's still a long story." 

Lina rolled her eyes and shoved Zoren's hand away. "Tell her the cliff's notes version! It only takes a couple sentences!" 

"Fine." Zoren closed his eyes again. "You know the game Cherry Smash? Super popular, worldwide recognition?" 

"Of course. Who doesn't?" 

"I made that game." 

"That's... fun." Kaya didn't quite see the relevance. 

"I told you she wouldn't get it." Zoren shook his head. 

Lina punched his shoulder. "So, basically, Zoren rakes in a lot of money every year because of that game. Since, apparently, the media thinks he's moderately handsome, it was kind of a big thing during his senior year of high school. He dropped out of the picture and they've been on the hunt and now..." She splayed her hands. "He reappeared with a girlfriend." 

Kaya pressed her palms against her eyes. "You're rich, too?" 

"Rich is a strong and overused word but... yeah."

Great. She hadn't managed to avoid anything. She jumped from one fire into another, that's all. 

Kaya looked up at Zoren. "If you're rich, why do you live here?"

"It's comfy and under the radar."

"You idiot!" Kaya threw her arms out wide. "If I could afford to live somewhere else, I would! We could have avoided everything if you had some common sense!" 

"I don't think that's how you should speak to the guy who saved your hide." 

"No, I think she's right." Lina shrugged when Zoren glared at her. "What? You're the one who brought up this fake relationship. You two work that out. I'll be back with snacks." 

Before either Kaya or Zoren could protest, Lina was out the door and gone. 

Kaya curled her legs to her chest. This could be a very long conversation. 

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