Leona's Date (pt. 2)

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Kaya should have finagled her way into the middle seat, instead of sitting on one end of the Ransom Oreo. She realized that before the movie even began. Sadly, she didn't have the willpower, nor the tact, to tastefully suggest they change seats. 

And, thus, Leona sat on Ransom's other side. 

Forget the movie. Kaya couldn't have focused if she wanted to. Her attention rested solely on a redheaded woman who, at the moment, still had her arms wrapped around Ransom's bicep. 

Kaya clenched her fingers in her lap. She didn't like the way that Leona so freely touched Ransom, nor the way he allowed it. 

As if he read her mind, Ransom's free hand reached out and found Kaya's hand. His fingers traced her palm, sending bolts of electricity through her, before he laced their fingers together and lifted her knuckles to kiss them. 

So, he knew. Kaya shouldn't have doubted. Ransom always knew when she felt most insecure. 

It still didn't help the clingy woman on his other side. Kaya didn't know what to do about it, but she would figure something out. No way that she would end this evening at a disadvantage. 

Leona leaned her head sideways to rest it on Ransom's shoulder. 

Kaya stifled her urge to get up and smack the woman. Ransom's plan hinged on Leona working with them, so Kaya did her best to tamp her possessive reactions. She hadn't realized she had such a possessive, jealous streak until Leona came around. 

Ransom stroked a thumb against the back of Kaya's hand, as if he knew she needed the comfort. 

Kaya leaned her head back and took a breath. She couldn't lose it here and now. They had only just begun. How did she expect to survive the rest of the evening if she kept this up? 

But... Leona wouldn't stop getting closer and closer to Ransom's side. And she reached for popcorn every time that Ransom did, meaning their hands kept "accidentally" bumping into each other. A cheap trick that Kaya wished she had thought of first. 

Without the distraction of talking, the movie went on for forever. Though Ransom may have thought that a movie would be less stressful for all involved, it only turned out to be torture.

If asked, afterward, what she had just watched, Kaya wouldn't have been able to answer. 

She had to work hard to return her face to its normal expression, instead of glaring lasers at Leona, as the trio exited the theater. 

"That was fun," Leona laughed. 

Was it? Kaya didn't think fun was the word to describe what she just endured. 

Leona didn't seem to care. "Where are we going next?" 

"Well..." Ransom reached for Kaya's hand again as he walked. "I thought we would enjoy a nice dinner, perhaps?"

If Kaya didn't know Ransom best, she would think he chose to ignore her in favor of Leona. Thankfully, she was aware that this was only a once-off kind of thing. That didn't meant she had to like it. And dinner? That sounded like it might be a better idea than a movie. 

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