The Boys

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With Kaya out of the room, Ransom wasted no time leveling his glare at the childish man in the office chair. 

Truth be told, Ransom hadn't taken kindly to Zoren from the very first time he saw the way Zoren looked at Kaya. With far too much affection and not enough knowledge. As if Zoren thought Kaya would go for a guy like him.

"I think we both know this meeting has nothing to do with our collaboration." Ransom spoke first, to gain the upper hand on the playing field. Making the first move was half the battle. 

"It could. Everything depends on how I'm treated." Zoren shrugged his shoulders. "But we should probably discuss other things too." 

Ransom knew it. Someone like Zoren didn't take a step like this without some form of perceived provocation. The chip on Zoren's shoulder loomed large enough to be visible. 

"What else would you like to discuss?" 

Though Ransom knew very well where Zoren would take the conversation, he wouldn't avoid it. Sooner or later, this conversation would have to happen. 

Zoren leaned forward in his chair. "Let's start with the biggest question. Why did you release a statement saying she's your girlfriend when I clearly told everyone that she and I were dating?" 

"Because she is my girlfriend." Ransom settled his most unbothered façade into place. 

There were so many other reasons, as well. So many things that went wrong after Zoren confessed his infatuation. 

With a disgusted look on his face, Zoren rose to his feet. "That's a cop-out. A cover-up. Give me a better reason." 

Testy, wasn't he?

Ransom could understand Zoren's fascination with the reserved and timid Kaya Parker, but he couldn't condone his obsession. If Zoren wanted a reason, Ransom had enough to appease him. Zoren should know the trouble he had caused. 

As much as he wanted to stand straighter and take a defensive posture, Ransom forced himself to remain loose and nonchalant. 

"A reason? Fine. Because the press wasn't letting go of her. Because your confession only made her into a two-timer. Because putting her out there like that leaves her vulnerable and exposed. Because Kaya didn't like the situation you put her into." Ransom met Zoren's hard gaze with one of his own. "Because I can protect her better than you can."

"Oh, please." Zoren rolled his eyes. "As if. How have you been protecting her all this time? Nothing good has happened to her." 

"As I recall, you did even less." Ransom bristled, but somehow managed to keep himself from lashing out. "Where were you when the fans harassed her? Or when she panicked and needed help?" 

"Kaya panicked?" Zoren's eyes softened, his shoulders slumped. 

Ransom appreciated that Zoren could soften for the woman he claimed to like, but he disliked how easily Zoren bent for Kaya's sake. She would never be Zoren's to care for. 

"Kaya panics often. It appears you don't know about this, so I won't say more." Ransom snatched a plate from the cart and made his way to his desk. 

Kaya wouldn't appreciate his telling of her personal affairs. Ransom had every intention of honoring her wishes to any extent that he could. Trust created a foundation for any good relationship. He wanted Kaya to learn to trust him, even though he knew it would be difficult for her. 

Zoren shook his head, as if that would clear his thoughts. "That's not the point. The point is, she and I had a thing. We were working it out." 

"Then why did she agree to date me?" 

"Maybe she felt sorry for your pathetic crush." 

Ransom stabbed a utensil into a bite of food. If Zoren didn't leave soon, Ransom didn't know what his temper might inspire him to do. 

"The point is," Ransom enunciated, "that Kaya is dating me now, not you. If there is nothing else to discuss regarding our collaboration, I suggest you leave." 

"Yeah. Sure. I'll leave." Zoren folded his arms again. "Just know that I have no intention of giving up that easily. Boyfriends get dumped all the time. You're no different." 

Ransom slammed his palms against his desk, rose to his feet, and pointed to the door. "Leave now. It's better that we don't see each other often." 

Zoren smirked as if he won the war, but he turned on his heel. 

Ransom was left, chest heaving, heart pounding. How did one rival manage to infuriate him so heavily? What was this twinge of doubt that wrapped around his heart? He couldn't accept defeat. He had always liked Kaya. 

And Ransom was a man who always got what he wanted.

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