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Kaya paused outside of the office. Be honest. Tell the truth. You can do this. 

A deep breath did little to still her nerves, but Kaya reminded herself that she was an adult. She could push through the awkwardness and discomfort to come to a decent conclusion. 

"You'll be fine," Kaya told herself. She pushed open the door and wheeled the cart inside. 

Tobin looked up from his desk. "Good morning." 

"Good morning." Kaya lifted a plate and set it on his desk. "Have a good day." 

Though confusion knit Tobin's brows, he didn't say anything about it. 

Like a soldier on a mission, Kaya marched her way to Ransom's door. 

She knocked twice, waiting for his low, "Come in." Only then did she open the portal and push the cart inside. 

Ransom looked up from his desk. "So, which one did you choose?" 

Kaya, of course, knew what he referred to. Why a PR representative refused to be subtle in these delicate situations, Kaya would never know. 

She lifted the tray from the cart and settled in on Ransom's desk, directly in front of him. 

"I don't want to pretend it didn't happen, but I don't want to speak about it." 

"Ever? Or at this time?" Ransom set his pen down. 

Kaya seriously considered his words. Being in the line of work he had chosen, Ransom would understand her dilemma. She didn't want to bare her family's dirty secrets to the world. 

"Not at this time." 

Ransom nodded. "I see. Are you certain?" 

"Very much so." 

"Then, when you're ready to speak, I'll listen. It's something I'm good at." 

Kaya scoffed. "You haven't listened to me since we met." 

"I said I'm good at it, not that I choose to listen at opportune moments." Ransom chuckled. "I'm good at other things, too." 

Kaya rolled her eyes. "Spare me. I don't need to know." 

"Don't you?" Ransom rose to his feet, leaning forward until he was in Kaya's personal space. "Are you sure?" 

"While we're on the subject, do you happen to have an unhealthy obsession with me?" Kaya took a step back and folded her arms. 

Ransom grinned. "It took you long enough to acknowledge my interest. Zoren isn't the only man you could date, you know. I'm still an option." 

"You said that to get yourself out of the tabloids." 

"Are you certain?" Ransom's grin widened. "Or is that what you've been telling yourself?" 

"It's the truth." 

"I never said that." 

Kaya paused, momentarily stunned. Ransom couldn't possibly mean that he actually had feelings for her. Could he? That didn't make sense. He hardly knew her. 

Ransom took his seat again. "Think it over. My sincerity won't dwindle. Ah, Tobin had a task for you. It isn't urgent. Do it when you have time this week." 

Kaya had the strange sensation that she had been thoroughly dismissed. How did Ransom go from hot to cold so quickly? Did he have separate compartments in his brain for such matters? 

"Ms. Parker? Did you have something else to say?" Ransom's hand paused on the way to open the tray before him. 

Kaya shook her head and took another step back. "Enjoy your meal." 

"I will. Thank you." 

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