The Negotiation (pt. 3)

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"Conditions?" Ransom motioned for her to go on. 

Kaya rolled her lips together. "My hours are 9 a.m. to 7 p.m., anything before or after is counted as overtime and will require my agreement and double my usual hourly salary." 


Okay. Kaya hadn't thought that would go over so well, but as long as she was negotiating, she might as well go all out. 

"Personal questions are prohibited." 

"I can't agree to that, given the nature of our relationship." Ransom shook his head. "I don't think it would be wise, either." 

It had been a long-shot, anyway. So Kaya tried the last condition she could think of, hoping that Ransom would agree to all of it. 

"For the time being, so that the media will calm down and stop saying such harsh things about me, and so that I don't feel as wishy-washy, I'm going to pretend to be Zoren's girlfriend." 

"As long as you're pretending, I don't see any issues with it." 

Did that mean that Ransom saw issues with it if Kaya actually dated Zoren? Her brain didn't quite process that. It had to mean something, right? In the worst-case scenario, it meant that Ransom didn't hate her. 

Ransom folded his arms across his chest. "I'll add one last condition, in return." 

"What condition?" 

"Whatever I release to the media, without exception, you must not disagree in front of the cameras." 


"Because that's the only way I can keep the tabloids from tearing you to shreds again. Even then, it will be difficult." 

Kaya mulled that over. "Can you keep them from calling my phone?" If she saw the words unlisted number again, she couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't panic. 

"I'll take care of that immediately after we agree on our contract." 

"Okay. I agree." Kaya nodded her head as if that would make it seem any more real. 

Tobin stood from his seat and motioned to both Kaya and Ransom. "You both agree to all terms and conditions, then?" 

Both gave him a nod. 

"Please shake hands on it. I will have the legal team draft the papers exactly as they have been discussed." 

Ransom rose and strode to Kaya's side. He reached down a hand. "It's my pleasure to work with you, Kaya." 

"Let's keep this professional." Kaya placed her fingers in his. 

Ransom grinned as he shook her hand. "Only when others are watching."

Was that a joke? His eyes twinkled in merriment. Kaya didn't know that Ransom was capable of joking. What a turn of events. 

The door opened after the beep of a keypad. Zoren and Jade re-entered the apartment. 

"I brought snacks!" Zoren held up three bags full of goodies. "Did I miss anything?" 

Ransom smirked, slowly letting go of Kaya's hand. "Ms. Parker and I concluded our business. Pity you missed it." 

Zoren wrinkled his nose. "Yeah. Pity." 

"I'll see you tomorrow at the company, then." Ransom's long legs ate up the distance toward the door. "Don't forget our contract. Bright and early." 

Tobin gave a half-bow as he followed Ransom out. 

Zoren blinked, clearly confused. "Contract? You two?" 

"You don't need to worry about it." Kaya pulled the blanket around her shoulders. "What kind of snacks did you bring?" 

Zoren went into action, pulling out various sugary and savory snacks. Kaya hardly listened to his spiel. Her eyes wandered to Jade, who stared back as if she knew something. 

Somehow, deep in her gut, Kaya knew she had started something she couldn't handle. If only she knew what it was and how to get herself out of it. 

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