Part-Time Assistant (pt. 1)

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Kaya stepped off the elevator and traipsed the familiar hall down to Ransom's suite of offices. 

It's alright, it's only for an afternoon. It's not as if you haven't done this before. The words of encouragement didn't do much to still her thumping heart. 

She might as well get it over with. Kaya squared her shoulders and opened the door. Tobin, of course, had already left, so she bypassed her usual greeting and went straight for Ransom's office door. 

Kaya knocked twice, then entered. "You called for me." 

Ransom held up a single finger to tell her to wait. He signed two of the open files in front of him, then set his pen down and rose to his feet. 

Kaya took a step back when he circled his desk. 

Ransom raised his brows. "Do I frighten you?" 

"No." Kaya folded her arms, a purely defensive posture. "Who's scared of you? Of course you don't scare me." 

"Really?" Ransom chuckled. "Are you sure?" 

Kaya realized her mistake immediately. She dropped her arms and her gaze. "Sorry." 

In all honesty, Ransom didn't scare her. Not anymore. She just didn't know what to do with him. How did she act around someone with such a strong personality? 

Ransom had crossed the office before Kaya had time to react. He settled a finger under her chin and tilted it up. "Don't be sorry. If you're scared, you're scared." 

"I told you, I'm not." 


Good? What was that supposed to mean? Kaya tried to compute the hidden meaning, but she found she couldn't come up with a definite answer. 

"Why did you call me?" Kaya finally asked. 

Ransom jerked his chin toward the hall tree beside his door. "Jade sent that over for you. You should change." 

Kaya turned to look. A garment bag hung there. She could only guess what Jade stuffed inside. 

Ransom's thumb swiped across Kaya's cheek, a gentle touch that sent a shiver down her spine. Kaya turned her attention back to him. 

Ransom held up his thumb to reveal a glob of flour. "You should wash your face, as well." 

"Oh." Kaya tugged the corner of her bottom lip between her teeth. 

Why did her heart flutter when he did that? Was it even possible that she liked him in return? She could only remember ever liking one boy, in her freshman year of high school. He hadn't been around long enough for her to learn his true feelings. 

Ransom took a half-step backward and took out a handkerchief to clean his thumb. "Go ahead, then. I'll wait." 

"Yes, sir." Kaya scrambled to retrieve the garment bag. "Um... what time is your meeting?" 

"We'll need to leave in thirty minutes." 

Kaya nodded. She could do that. Thirty minutes to compose herself and try to forget about the butterflies swarming in the pit of her stomach. 

For Pete's sake, pull yourself together! Couldn't she remember anything? She couldn't afford romance. Not even a little. 

Kaya clutched the garment bag to her chest and scrambled out of the office. She had to get her emotions under control, or she would ruin everything she worked so hard for. Every security she created for herself might crumble if she wasn't careful. 

Kaya didn't like the idea of living in insecurity again. 

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