The Negotiation (pt. 2)

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Ready to negotiate? Kaya wasn't prepared, even for the simple statement. What could Ransom Lee want from her? 

"Take your time to find your balance." Ransom splayed a hand in the air. "I have more than enough time to wait." 

How did he always manage to have the upper hand? Kaya sneered in disgust. 

"How am I supposed to negotiate when I don't know the terms you're requesting?" Kaya put on her best poker face and hoped it worked. 

Ransom grinned and nodded. "Shall I tell you my plan, then?" 

"Hey, model lady!" Zoren called from the kitchen. "How come you don't have anything snacky around here? What's this no carbs, no sugar kind of diet? Are you human?" 

Jade rose from her spot on the floor and straightened her shoulders. "In lieu of Lina, I will take the idiot to buy some food for Kaya." 

"I could do it," Tobin offered. 

Jade shook her head. "Ransom will want to negotiate without Zoren's interruptions." 

Zoren skidded to a stop at his chair to snag his jacket. "We'll be back soon." 

"No hurry," Ransom muttered. 

Kaya admired Ransom's self-control, but even she could tell he had been done with Zoren since they met. She couldn't blame him. Not everyone could handle Zoren's kind of personality. 

The door closed with a finality Kaya didn't feel comfortable with. 

Tobin cleared his throat. "As a neutral third party, shall I oversee the negotiation?" 

"You're neutral?" Kaya turned her attention to the secretary. "He pays your salary." 

"I pay his salary because he gives neutral opinions. I need someone who can look at things objectively." Ransom relaxed in his seat. "Now that the interruption has gone, shall we discuss the plan?" 

"You have a plan?" Kaya couldn't help her sarcasm. She had been through enough because of Ransom Lee. She didn't plan to play a puppet in his game. 

Ransom chuckled. "I've had a plan since before you walked into my office." 

"Oh." Kaya didn't know what else to say about that. "Then by all means, please share." 

"I'll admit my plans have shifted some, now that you've put yourself in such predicament. I think our major focus should be to keep you out of the public eye for the time being."

"I would also like that."

"I'm glad we're on the same page. Which is why I'd like to propose that you quit working at Cafe Dulcis."

"Absolutely not." Kaya shook her head. How was she supposed to live without a job?

Ransom leaned forward to drape his arms on his thighs. "I thought you might say that. So, let me give an ultimatum. There are only two ways to stop the tabloid's rumors about you and Zoren Olsen. Either you cease to see Zoren or you get out of the public's eye until a more sensational story takes their attention. Thus, I give you two options. You can become my personal chef or you can avoid Zoren forever." 

"I don't like either option." Kaya tucked the blanket higher around her neck. "What if I don't want to quit working at the cafe?" 

Tobin lifted a hand. "As mediator, may I ask a question?" 

Kaya and Ransom both ceded to him. 

"Wouldn't it be better to quit the cafe? After all, the tabloids and the fan club know where you work right now. If you become Mr. Lee's chef, we can move you into the Conditus building, which is much safer in the end." 

Kaya mulled Tobin's suggestion. He had a point. Maybe she should try seeing things from Ransom's perspective. Besides, being in a secure building might be better because of the attention she'd been getting. Especially if that person saw her face. 

"If I work for you, I can still hang out with Zoren and Lina?" 

Ransom inclined his head in a single nod. "Of course. I'm not a monster, nor a slave-driver." 

Kaya nodded right back. "Okay. Let's do that. But I have a few conditions." 

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