The First Move (pt. 3)

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Fashion, to Jade, must be like baking to Kaya. 

The first three suggestions that Cherie made, Jade dismissed immediately. One was too old-fashioned. Another too bland. A third too outrageous. 

It seemed that Kaya no longer had a say in what was going on. She wouldn't know where to start, anyway. 

The racks in the boutique held items she had only dreamed of acquiring. Fabrics of such high quality that Kaya feared she might dirty them if she touched them. When Ransom took a woman shopping, he really went all out. 

In the end, a three outfits were selected for Kaya to try on. 

Kaya didn't mind. Looking at the beautiful things in the shop made the trip worth it. She had never been a fashionista, so she wouldn't know what to pair together. 

The first outfit, a dress, Kaya immediately felt uncomfortable in. She didn't wear dresses for everyday occasions. Dresses were meant to be worn on special occasions. Besides, she couldn't bake in a dress, thus she never needed to wear one. 

One by one, for varying reasons, Kaya and Jade eliminated outfits. 

Cherie didn't seem excited to work with them, considering they kept telling her no, but she never got angry. Kaya could respect that about her. 

After a solid hour of arguments and opinions, Kaya, Jade, and Cherie finally agreed on an outfit. 


Kaya liked what they put her in. A pair of wide-leg trousers that had been slashed from the knee to the ankle. A pretty blouse with a cinch around the waist. It made her feel... feminine. Pretty. 

"Perfect." Jade hugged Cherie's waist. "You're a genius, really." 

Kaya wanted to point out that Cherie didn't do much to help, but that would probably seem rude. Instead, she turned to go change back out of the outfit given her. 

"Wait, wait, wait!" Jade grabbed Kaya's shoulders to stop her. "You're wearing this out from here. Oh, shoes. We need shoes." 

"I can just wear mine..." 

Kaya regretted the suggestion as soon as it left her lips. Both Jade and Cherie looked at her like she had lost her marbles. 

Jade shook her head. "Cherie, do you still have those kid leather heels?" 

"I have several pairs." Cherie turned and disappeared through a door. 

Kaya tugged at Jade's arm. "What are you doing? Why can't I wear my own shoes?" 

"Because wearing designer shoes will make the rest of the outfit look better." Jade patted Kaya's head. "Don't worry, my little protégé. It's all for the greater good." 

"I'm not... your protégé..." 

But Jade had already moved on. Cherie returned with the shoes, a stunning pair of heels with intricate straps and braids. Also, Kaya discovered as Jade helped her into them, the softest shoes she had ever worn. 



"Where am I going, dressed like this?" Kaya didn't want to think about what might happen that she would need such exquisite armor. 

Jade smiled up at her. "Let's get back to Ransom before he revolts." 

Kaya knew she wouldn't get anything helpful out of Jade. She had made up her mind to remain silent. So, a little unsteady on the unfamiliar shoes, Kaya accompanied Jade back to the sitting room. 

"She's ready!" Jade announced as they came through the curtain. 

Ransom stood to his feet to survey the change. 

Kaya could feel his eyes on her, watching her. Judging the clothing that Kaya had been swathed in. 

After the longest pause of her life, Ransom finally spoke. Just one word, so laced with adoration and amazement that even Kaya couldn't misconstrue its meaning. 


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