The End

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A month after the fiasco. Four weeks after people finally realized the kind of man Richard Aberdeen harbored inside. And, finally, Kaya found that she felt free.

Her mother must have felt the same, since she asked Kaya to visit the old cafe with her. If they could go home without fear, then all must be well.

The cafe's door wasn't locked when Kaya arrived. She expected as much, since her mother must already be there. Though no customers sat within and no delicious scents emanated from the kitchen, the television on one wall had been turned on. The news played from it.

"...though he pled innocent to all charges, the once-famous Richard Aberdeen has been convicted on all counts. This morning, the judge pronounced a harsh sentence that will include over thirty years in prison and a fine upwards of ten million dollars..."

"It's over," Ransom's voice floated from behind Kaya.

Kaya spun, startled by his sudden appearance. How had he known that she would be here?

Ransom reached out an arm to catch Kaya's waist, holding her up when she lost her balance. She would never be in danger while under his care, this they both knew well.

"Why are you here?" Kaya asked softly.

Ransom bent his head as if he might kiss her.

Kaya took a step back.

His arm still looped around Kaya's waist, Ransom took the step with her. A chuckle vibrated in his chest. "Why are you running away?"

"I... I'm not." Kaya nibbled at her lip, unsure whether she had been trying to avoid him or not.

"This situation reminds me a bit of something..." Ransom mused. As if it might help him remember, he took a step closer to Kaya.

Given their close proximity, Kaya took another step back.

"Oh, yes." Step, step. "When we first met again..."

Kaya stumbled backward with each of Ransom's forward footfalls. She remembered it, too. Meeting him in his office. The way he backed her into a corner. Just like now.

Kaya fumbled to a stop as their movement ended against the cafe wall.

"We ended up like this back then, too."

"Not exactly like this..." Kaya ducked her head. No matter how many times Ransom did something like this, it continued to fluster her.

"That's the face you made then, too." Ransom leaned his head forward, resting his forehead against Kaya's. "And right about then, I discovered I had a question I wanted desperately to ask you."

Confused and concerned, Kaya pulled her lip between her teeth again. What could he possibly want to ask her that had stuck with him for so long? She lifted her palms to push against his chest, but Ransom didn't budge.

Instead, his free hand appeared between them, cradling a small black box with the lid opened. Inside rested the most beautiful blossom of crystal-clear diamonds that Kaya had ever seen.

"Kaya, my love..." Ransom's thumb traced across her spine where he still held her. "Will you do me the honor of marrying me?"

Marry him? It's all that Kaya wanted nowadays. She desired it so deeply that words stuck in her throat and she couldn't force them out. So she sufficed with a nod of her head. Then another, more vehement than the first. When a word finally sailed from her lips, it was breathy and short. Just one simple "yes."

Ransom released her only to slide the ring onto her finger, and then his arms went around her again to pull her closer for a kiss.

Suddenly, shouts and cheers went up from around the room. Someone popped a confetti cannon, sprinkling paper and glitter everywhere.

Kaya laughed. "How many are there?"

"Originally, I only invited a few." Ransom winced. "But it turned out to be everybody."

Sure enough, when Kaya peered around Ransom's shoulder to see the room, she found everyone that she had come to love. Jade and Kestrel, bickering quietly in a corner. Jacob and Alicia, all smiles while Alicia snapped photos. Lina, standing between her brother, Zoren, and her new boyfriend, Lawrence, with her hands around their arms to wave them happily. Finally, behind the counter, Kaya spotted Betty, Tobin, and her mother.

Ransom had really and totally brought everyone. And Kaya couldn't be happier.

Taking Ransom's face in both her hands, Kaya lifted onto her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his lips. "Thank you," she murmured, still so close that their lips brushed against each other as she spoke. "For loving me so well."  


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