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Kaya didn't know how or why or when, but sometime during the laser-tag game, she forgot to worry about all the things happening around her. For a while, all she thought about was the game. 

Then Zoren suggested lunch, and Kaya forgot to worry about public exposure. She agreed. 

Even if she had remembered to be worried, she could have reminded herself that Lawrence had come with them. Thankfully, Kaya didn't need to remind herself. For a blissful moment, worry completely fled her mind. 

Halfway through her burger, Kaya realized her mistake. Specifically when a camera on the other side of the room clicked. Loudly. 

Kaya froze, burger halfway to her mouth.

Lawrence shot to his feet. 

"Sorry!" Alicia raised her head to mouth the word, unable to shout it without drawing attention. 

With a sigh, Lawrence sank back down into his seat. 

"Who's that?" Zoren asked skeptically. "Isn't she the girl who bullied you with her other juvenile delinquent buddies?"

Kaya set her burger on the tray before her. "I'll be right back." 

Better to deal with Alicia herself, instead of trying to explain to Zoren what all had happened behind the scenes. Though Kaya thought she and Alicia had come to an understanding, it would be better to ensure they were on the same page. 

Alicia clicked one last picture as Kaya approached her, then set the camera on the table. "What's up?"

"You're not going to take these pictures and spin the story out of control again, are you?" Kaya asked before she could lose her courage. 

Alicia waved a hand through the air. "Me? Do that? No way." 

"It's just... you have." 

"You make a good point." Alicia tapped a finger on the table. "Okay, let me explain. I won't do that again. Because I'm pretty sure I'd get fired as fan club president if I did. Ran told me to make people adore you, not hate you. You know that I would never disobey a direct order from Ran." 

Now that Kaya thought about it, Alicia did make a good point. When it came to Ransom, the fan club-and especially Alicia Fairchild-was loyal to a fault. That still left a question. 

"What are you doing here, following me?" 

"Oh? This?" Alicia pointed to the camera on the table. "This is a personal favor. Turns out your lover-boy is pretty territorial, especially when it comes to you spending time with the blondie over there." She raised a hand to wave at Zoren, who hadn't stopped staring since Kaya got up from the table. 

"Ransom sent you?" Kaya could believe it, if she chose to, but she had enough experience with Alicia to know not to take things at face value. 

Alicia nodded. "Like I said, it's a personal favor. Go ahead and do your thing. I won't disturb you. My only job is to report back to Ransom."

Assured that Alicia would not spin the story to her own advantage, Kaya walked away. No need to say hello or goodbye where Alicia was concerned. 

Besides, a warm fuzzy feeling had started to wrap around Kaya's heart at the thought that Ransom had sent someone to keep an eye on her. Even if it was just Alicia Fairchild, Kaya knew firsthand the power that girl possessed. Ransom thought ahead and sent someone with the capability to keep Kaya out of trouble and get other people into it instead. 

When they said it was the thought that mattered, they had been correct. 

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