Boys and Girls

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Kaya set an omelette in front of Tobin with a clank

Tobin's fingers stopped in the middle of typing and glanced up. "May I help you?" 

"Is Mr. Lee in his office?"

The longer Kaya thought about it, the angrier she became. Hadn't Ransom promised to protect her? So why was the story about the assemblyman going around the company like that? Did Ransom do nothing? 

"He is. Is something wrong?"

"May I enter?" 

Tobin motioned both hands toward Ransom's door. "Please go in." 

Kaya whirled on her heels, grabbed hold of her cart, and marched straight into Ransom's office. 

Ransom, for once in his life, wasn't sitting behind his desk. Instead, he already leaned against the front edge of his desk. As if he expected this. 

Kaya stopped her cart in the middle of the room and smiled widely. "Breakfast." 

"I see that." Ransom eyed the cart, then the girl. "I'm wondering if I should be concerned." 

"Why would you think that?" Kaya reached out to lift the cover off the plate. "I made you an omelette. You do like omelettes, don't you?" 

"Usually." Ransom folded his arms across his broad chest. "But I heard a certain tone from Tobin's office and I'm unsure if this omelette is poisonous." 

"I can assure you, there is no poison in your breakfast." Kaya set the cover on the lower level of the cart, reached for a fork, and held it out in Ransom's direction. 

Ransom made his way to one of the chairs in the middle of the room. His fingertips brushed Kaya's hand as he took the fork. 

A cheater's move. 

Kaya maintained her smile, even though she felt like shouting at her boss. Which is why she found a completely original idea to let out her anger. 

Ransom took a bite of the omelette. Chewed twice. And froze. 

Those purple eyes blinked in an effort to contain the tears welling up. 

To his credit, Ransom swallowed the bite despite the sting. 

Kaya settled a hand over her mouth. "Oh, no! Did I forget to tell you? I accidentally went a little heavy on the wasabi." 

Ransom pressed a napkin to his lips. 

His silence unnerved Kaya, but she wasn't about to admit it. 

One slow inch at a time, Ransom rose to his feet.

Kaya took a step back. Just in case. 

Ransom took a step closer. Then another. 

Kaya suddenly forgot how to breathe. Her lips rolled together anxiously as Ransom reached an arm around her side. He never broke eye contact. 

Just as smoothly as he put them in that position, Ransom retreated. He held up the carton of milk that he had retrieved from the cart. 

"I think I'm going to need this." 

He sank back into his chair. 

Kaya tried her best not to let out her breath all at once. No need for Ransom to know how he scrambled her brain. Though... she had an inkling that he already knew. He used it to his advantage many more times than coincidentally possible. 

Ransom took a swig of milk before he posed his one and only question. 

"So... are you going to tell me what I've done to enrage you?"

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