Leona's Date (pt. 5)

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"A... bet?" Kaya laced her fingers together behind her back.

Historically speaking, Leona always had something up her sleeve. This had to be a trap, didn't it?

"Yes. A bet." Leona glanced between Ransom and Kaya. "One game of billiards. Whoever wins gets a kiss from Ransom."

A kiss? All this hullabaloo for a kiss?

Kaya glanced up at Ransom and found him chuckling again. Was this a game to him? Did he think that kisses were things to give freely?

"Okay, but I play on Kaya's behalf."

What? No! That wasn't how this was supposed to go. He should flat-out refuse her, right?

Leona looped her cue stick off her shoulders and planted the end on the ground. "Why?"

"Let's be honest, Leona. You've played before. If you play against Kaya, you'll beat her soundly. Hardly a fair bet, is it?"

Leona pondered that, her tongue working over her bottom lip in agitation. Finally, she caved. "Fine."

Ransom turned his head to meet Kaya's gaze. "What do you say, Kaya?"

No. She wanted to say no. But... Leona thought she could win anything. A pretty journalist with the persistence to gain anything she wanted. Wouldn't it be entertaining to see her lose?

Kaya wasn't a vengeful person, but Leona brought this on herself. At some point, Leona should get a taste of her own medicine. Maybe then she would stop trying to sell it.

"I don't really like the idea, but... if you're sure you can win..." Kaya shrugged and nibbled at her lip. Why would she agree to something so stupid?

Ransom's grin widened. "Then, if Leona agrees, shall we begin?"

"Let's get it over with." Leona reached for the triangle to cage the balls. "You want to break?"

"Oh, ladies first. Always." Ransom waited patiently at Kaya's side.

Kaya wanted to be as calm as Ransom, but her head and heart sped like a NASCAR driver on steroids. What if Ransom lost? If Leona won... would he really give her the kiss she asked for?

Before she realized it, Kaya had planted a thumb nail against her bottom lip, close enough to chew if she needed to.

The game began. One after another, Leona and Ransom shot the numbered balls into the pockets of the table. For a while, Ransom had the edge. Then Leona. Then Ransom again.

Kaya watched it all as if looking from afar. What would she do if Leona kissed Ransom? Kaya definitely wouldn't like that.

In a last-ditch effort to win, Ransom missed his final shot.

Leona smirked, took the shot without a word, and stretched her arms. "Well, a bet's a bet."

The look Ransom gave Kaya held a hint of sadness, as if he hadn't expected to lose, either. Kaya couldn't only blame him. She had agreed to the bet, as well. A mistake she would never make again.

Leona sauntered to Ransom's side and tipped her face up. "Just one kiss."

Ransom sighed as he set his cue stick aside.

Kaya bit down on her bottom lip. It wasn't right. She had to stop it somehow.

Before she realized it, Kaya moved. Her feet shot toward Ransom, her hands outstretched until they found his arm and pulled.

Ransom turned with the force of Kaya's tug.

Kaya used the surprise of the moment to grasp his face and pull it down toward her own. Their lips met a bit awkwardly, meshed together with the force of Kaya's movements.

And then Ransom's arm was around her waist, his kiss strong and passionate and very, very alive.

Kaya took a step back, surprised by his intensity.

Ransom stepped with her, following every movement she made. Following each step she took until Kaya found she could go no further. Then, slowly, Ransom lifted his head.

Kaya gasped for breath, unsure what beast she had unleashed. She had only wanted to stop his kiss with Leona.

Ransom chuckled, looked over his shoulder, and shrugged. "Apologies. It seems my girlfriend didn't like the outcome of our bet. I don't think I'll be keeping my word about that kiss."

This time, though Leona huffed, Kaya detected a hint of good humor in her demeanor. Maybe Kaya should have kissed Ransom first a long, long time ago. 

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