Make New Friends, Keep The Old

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Kaya's moving-in day at her new apartment came at the end of her first week of work. 

The apartment wasn't much, just a couple rooms and a place to lay her head. It would do. At least the landlord kept it clean. 

Kaya only found one problem with the new apartment. She had to travel up two flights of stairs to get to it. 

Thankfully, the moving company carried most of the heavy things, like furniture. Their help still left Kaya with a small pile of boxes to get from the ground floor to her new home. 

By the third trip, Kaya wished she had worked out more. Her arms shook with exertion as she lifted a box of books. The box shifted. Kaya barely caught it as it slid from her arms. 

"Whoa! Hey! Let me help!" 

The box lifted out of Kaya's grasp. 

Kaya glanced up. Great. A guy. A messy-haired, devil-may-care smile kind of guy. Kaya took a step back. "Thanks, but I can get it. It's the last." 

"Yeah, I really believe that." The guy tipped his head toward the stairs. "Tell me where I'm dropping it off." 

Kaya nibbled at her bottom lip. He seemed genuinely nice. Her fingers drummed against her leg. "Third floor." 

"Alright, let's go." The guy hefted the box higher and started up the steps. "Just so you know, I'm not a weirdo." 

Not sure I believe that. Kaya kept her distance. At least five stairs behind him. She wasn't used to people pushing themselves into her affairs. 

"Which apartment?" The guy turned to look over his shoulder as they reached the third floor. "Or should I hazard a wild guess?" 

"This one." Kaya skirted around him to slide her keys into the lock. "I'll take it from here." 

"I'll set it inside the door." 

"You said you weren't a weirdo." 

"I didn't say I was coming in." The guy nudged the door open with his foot and set the box in the small entryway. "There. That should do it. I'm Zoren, by the way." 

"Zoren." Kaya tried out the name once. "Nice to meet you. I'm Kaya." 

"Kaya. Great name. I'll remember it, since we're neighbors now." 

"We're what?" Kaya blinked, shocked. She probably should have thought about that possibility. 

Zoren hooked a thumb over his shoulder. "I'm right next door. Yell if you need anything. The walls are fairly thin, so I should be able to hear you. If I'm not around, my sister would probably help you out." 

"Your sister?" 

"Yeah, she lives with me right now." 

"Zoren! What the heck are you doing? Pestering the new girl?" 

"Speak of the devil." 

Kaya side-stepped to see around Zoren's shoulders. A plucky blonde with a bob haircut jogged her way down the corridor. 

"How many times do I have to tell you, no flirting with..." The woman clapped her hands over her mouth. "Kaya Parker?"

"Yeah..." Kaya lifted a finger to scratch at an itch beneath her ponytail. "How did you...?" 

"It's me! Lina! Lina Olsen, from high school? You don't remember me?" Lina folded her arms and pouted. "It's only been a few years. You forgot me already?" 

Lina... Lina... The name rang a bell. Kaya wracked her brain in search of the woman's identity. "Oh! Lina! From student council? Friends with everyone?" 

"You do remember!" Lina sprang forward and planted her hands on Kaya's shoulders. "I'm so glad you moved in here! Finally. A friend." 

"Are you going to ignore my existence?" Zoren threw into the conversation. 

Lina rolled her eyes. "Ignore my brother."

"I didn't know you had a brother." 

"He's the clever twin. He went to a private academy." 

"Twin?" Kaya glanced between the two of them. They did resemble each other. A lot. Still, twins? She never would have guessed. 

"Like I said, don't mind him. He likes to flirt." Lina waved a hand at him. "Shoo, shoo. The girls have things to talk about." 

"We do?" 

"We do." Lina steered Kaya into her apartment and shut the door in Zoren's face.

Kaya took a moment to get her bearings. What kind of apartment building had she moved into? All she wanted was a room to sleep in. Why did she also inherit a pair of twins who enjoyed butting into her business?

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