An Old Acquaintance

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Tea did little to settle Kaya's frazzled nerves, but she appreciated the gesture. 

No matter how many times she tried to reason it out... No matter how many scenarios she came up with to explain the things that happened... Kaya knew someone had been there. 

A knock on the door made Kaya jump. 

Lina held her hands up as if to stop a scared animal. "It's okay. Probably just Zoren." 

Kaya nodded. Even so, she huddled further underneath the blanket that Lina had put around her shoulders. Just in case. 

She needn't have been worried. Lina let Zoren in with no problem.

Zoren folded his arms, as serious as Kaya had ever seen him. "So, there's no one there and honestly I don't see anything out of place, but do you want to call the cops anyway?" 

The police hadn't helped much in the past. Oh, for sure they tried, but ultimately they hadn't been able to do anything. Still... Kaya knew the worst thing she could do was sit back and let this passively fade away. 

"We should." 

Lina flopped onto the couch next to Kaya. "I think that's a great decision. Here, borrow my phone." 

Kaya reached outside of the blanket to retrieve the device. "May I make one other call before that?" 

"You don't have to ask our permission. You're an adult." Zoren paced by the door, as if he couldn't settle enough to sit down. 

Kaya set her tea on the table before her. "It's a little bit of a personal conversation..."

"We'll go put some snacks together." Lina jumped to her feet. "Zoren. Kitchen. Now." 

"Are you sure?" 

"Dead serious. Let's go." Lina grabbed a hold of his sleeve and tugged him after her. 

Though Kaya knew she should probably make the call from her own phone, she didn't dare return to her apartment. Not now, at the very least. Thankfully, she knew the number by heart. She had never had the need to call it, but she still memorized it. Just in case. 

Kaya typed in the digits and pressed the call button. 

The phone rang. Rang some more. And flipped to voice mail. 

That could happen. This hour of the night, the recipient could be eating dinner or in a meeting. Kaya tried once more, just in case. 

This time, a deep, masculine voice answered. "Hello?" 

"Um... I'm looking for someone... I don't remember his name..." 

"You must be Kaya."

Kaya blinked. "How... do you know that?" 

"Only one woman has this number, and she would only give it out to one other person. Her daughter." 

"You're the man who helped my mom when I was little, right? The investigative reporter?" 

"I don't work in that circle anymore."


"I'm old." 

That made sense. He hadn't exactly been young when Kaya and her mother met him. "Will you still be able to help me?" 

"Tell me what's going on, and we'll see about it." 

"That man... I think he's found me. And I think he was in my apartment tonight." 

A long silence punctuated the importance of the situation. "That is a dilemma." 

"Mom went missing a few months ago, too. I think... it was probably him, as well." 

The man sighed. "Do you remember I had a nephew with me that time?" 

"Yes." The only boy she had ever trusted. How could she forget her first and only crush? 

"I'm going to refer this to him. His work is similar to what mine was. May I call you back at this number?" 

"It's not mine, it's a friend's." 

"Then give me your number." 

Kaya rattled off the digits and waited. 

"Don't worry. We'll be able to do something. I'll call you with details about meeting him." 

"Thank you. I really, truly appreciate it." 

"You never have to thank me for taking care of your family when others won't. I'll speak to you soon." 

Kaya didn't mind the silence of the dead line after. She knew he would help, just like he had all those years ago. She couldn't help but feel a small bit of reprieve as she phoned the police station next. 

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