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The sense of victory when they left Leona at her vehicle nearly overwhelmed Kaya. But... there was also a loss of senses rushing through her. How could she begin to think straight when she thought back on Ransom's kiss?

Up until now, Ransom's kisses had been light, almost hesitant. 

Kaya hadn't meant to start something like that. She had only meant to kiss him briefly, just enough that Leona would understand her place. Ransom belonged to Kaya. No one else. 

Ransom was the one who took it farther. The one who left no doubt in anyone's mind about his and Kaya's relationship. 

Now, Kaya found herself in a small and enclosed vehicle alongside him. Her skin tingled with awareness. Her mind ran on overdrive, hyper sensitive to the presence of the man in the driver's seat. 

Ransom hadn't said a word to her since they started driving. Unusual, especially for him. Usually, he would at least check to see if Kaya felt alright.

How did she find the words to start a conversation that would break the awkward silence?

"Are you upset?" Lame, but the only thing Kaya could think to ask. 

Ransom shook his head. "Why would I be?" 

"I mean... we did make a bet with her. You might be upset that I made you go back on your word or-"

"No." Ransom's fingers drummed against the steering wheel. "I'm not upset with you about that. I'm a little overjoyed, actually." 


He didn't look or sound overjoyed. He seemed tense. Really tense. 

"Did I do something wrong?" Kaya reworded her original question. 

Ransom chuckled and shook his head again. "I told you, I'm not upset with you." 

"Then why are you being like this?" 

"Like what?" 

"Silent. Stoic. Aloof."

"That's a lot of synonyms."

"I can come up with more." Kaya sighed. "And now you're avoiding my questions. What's wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong." Ransom came to a stop at a red light. 

"Then why aren't you acting like yourself? Did I do something wrong?" 

Ransom's turn to sigh. "Ask me that one more time, I dare you." 

"I can't think of any other reason you'd be like this. What did I do?" 

In a flash, Ransom had turned in his seat and landed one hand against the back of Kaya's head. He pulled her close, until their breath mingled between them and their skin almost touched. 

"Because..." Ransom brushed a kiss to Kaya's lips. "After that, I want to kiss you..." He tilted his head and kissed her again, "again and again..." another taste, "and never stop." Ransom brushed his thumb against Kaya's temple. "Now do you understand?"

"A little." Kaya sighed. "But not really." 

Ransom leaned his forehead against hers, his eyes closing as he exhaled. "I'm trying to be a gentleman, and you're making it extremely difficult." 


"The fact that you even have to ask that is, in itself, explanation enough." Ransom opened those black-purple eyes to stare into Kaya's lighter ones. "Let's suffice it to say I'm in love with you and I find you irresistible." 

"Oh." This time, Kaya's voice came out soft and understanding. Because she knew that she was falling for him, too.

She tipped her head up, silently asking for one last kiss.

That's when the car surged forward into oncoming traffic.

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