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Kaya had never before wanted to hide from Lina, but as the woman marched across the room, Kaya found herself shrinking away. 

Lina stomped to a halt in front of Kaya. "Zoren Oliver Olsen! What are you doing here and why is my sweet precious angel bean with you?" 

"Sweet precious angel bean? Have you met her?" Zoren leaned around Kaya's shoulder to stare at her face. "I think your adjectives are too few, dear sister." 

Lina thumped a hand against his head. "Back off. Why are you two here?" 

"I have a meeting." Zoren rubbed at the spot that Lina had hit. "But she's here because you owe her an explanation." 

"Is this because I told you that you were hiding things from her without trying to?" 


Lina shot a glare at her brother. "I'll deal with you later."

"That's my cue to go." Zoren brushed past Lina quicker than a rabbit out of a hole. 

Lina turned back to Kaya. "I thought you were working." 

"I was. Am. Zoren dragged me along during my break." 

"He's such an idiot some days." Lina rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, he thinks he's getting revenge somehow?" 

Kaya nodded. Lina understood Zoren better than she ever would. 

"You're not angry, are you? I didn't want to explain the whole thing at the time you asked. I should have." 

"I'm not angry." Kaya looked around the room. "What exactly do you do?"

"I'm Jade's assistant. I run style checks, keep her schedule, answer phones, distract people who recognize her... you name it, I do it." 

"You said you work for Conditus." 

"I do. Jade's signed under them for management and PR." 

"Oh." Kaya nodded. Everything made sense now, but she still didn't understand why Zoren thought it was such a big deal. 

"Do you need a ride back? Jade will probably let me off the hook if it's for you." 

Kaya shook her head. "No, Zoren said he would take me back. Why are you and Jade so nice to me?" 

"We decided to adopt you." 

On cue, a squeal came from Jade. Nevermind that she was still on camera. Nevermind that the handsome man on the chair beside her winced at the volume. 

"Kaya!" Jade held up a hand, presumably to ask for the cameraman to pause. "What are you doing here? I thought I left you at work today. Did he bully you?" 

Kaya shook her head, somehow glad that both Jade and Lina had such joyful personalities. "I'm not here for long." 

"Then let me ask a favor." Jade slid her hand off the man's shoulder and sidled over to the photographer. "Director. My favorite director..." 

Even Kaya rolled her eyes at Jade's pout. 

The photographer sighed softly. "Yes?" 

"Can we take a five minute break and snap a few pictures of me and my two best friends in the whole wide world? I've been dying to give one of them a proper makeover, but a group picture will do for now." 

As if anyone could say no to Jade. 

Kaya shuffled toward the model and photographer. "Jade, I'm not here to interrupt your work." 

"Nonsense!" Jade patted the top of Kaya's head. "I just want one photo. It's no big deal. Kestrel!" Jade spun on her heel and marched toward the male model. "Move. Leave. You're not in this picture." 

"What if I wanted to be?" the man threw back. 

Jade kicked the side of her foot against his shin. "You don't. Get up." 

Though Kaya wanted to protest, she found herself in the center of a group picture. With Jade's beauty and Lina's figure on either side of her, Kaya felt like the odd-ball out, but she wouldn't say no to this picture for all the world. Finally, though she didn't want them or ask for them, Kaya found herself with a pair of very good friends.

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