Part-Time Assistant (pt. 3)

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Securely tucked in the car, Kaya managed to watch both traffic and the tall buildings they passed.

She hadn't expected Ransom to say much by way of conversation. She hadn't been wrong about that. 

As chatty as he usually was, today Ransom chose silence instead. A look over her shoulder revealed Ransom's brooding expression. He must have something heavy on his mind. Kaya didn't dare interrupt that. 

"Did you have something to say?"

Kaya shook her head and returned her attention out the window. How did one operate as Tobin's replacement? Kaya wasn't sure what anyone expected of her, even though she had observed Tobin for a full day. 

After a while, the car pulled to a stop outside a shiny, upscale restaurant. 

Kaya frowned. "I thought you had a meeting." 

"A late lunch meeting." Ransom stepped out of his door as a valet opened it. 

Kaya scrambled out her own door, careful not to lose the pile in her arms. She hustled around the back of the vehicle and skidded to a stop three steps behind Ransom. 

Ransom straightened his suit jacket and headed inside. 

Kaya trailed him like she had seen Tobin do. It was the best she could come up with, to mimic Tobin's demeanor and tasks. He probably should have prepared her better for this job. 

The bodyguards stopped inside the front door. Kaya did her best to forget about them. They didn't care what she did, they were there for one purpose only. To protect their CEO. Kaya just needed to blend into the background. Become invisible. 

Ransom stopped at a corner table and extended his hand to the man sitting there. "Mr. Nagano. It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Ransom Lee. This is my assistant, Ms. Parker." Ransom motioned a hand toward Kaya. 

Kaya dipped her own hesitant bow. 

Thankfully, Ransom continued on before she could say anything. "Sorry to keep you waiting. May I have a seat?"

The older Asian man motioned to the chairs in front of him. "By all means. Sit down, both of you." 

Kaya waited for Ransom to sit first, but instead he pulled out a chair and shot a look in her direction. Though his manners were impeccable, Kaya wasn't sure this was the time or place for them. What if Mr. Nagano misunderstood?

Ransom cleared his throat softly. 

Better to just sit down instead of making the whole meeting uncomfortable. Kaya took the seat that Ransom held for her. 

Ransom settled the chair at the table and then took his own seat. "Would you like to eat first, or would you rather discuss business first?" 

"Let's do both." Mr. Nagano raised a hand to hail a waiter. 

Kaya rummaged through her pile for a notebook and pen. Tobin had definitely said she needed to keep the minutes. 

"Kaya..." Ransom leaned close to her ear so his whisper could be heard. "Do you want to eat something specific or would you rather I order for you?" 

"I'm eating too?" Kaya asked it a little too loudly. She immediately sent an apologetic glance around the table. 

Ransom grinned at her. "Of course. Why wouldn't you?"

"I have to take minutes." 

"Can you do both?" 

"Well... yes." 

"Mr. Nagano won't mind."

"Are you sure? Have you met him before?" 

Ransom nodded. "Of course I have. Mr. Nagano is Jade's Uncle-in-Law. He and I know each other well, despite our business relationship." 

"Oh." Kaya blew out a breath. She should have done her research before she came all the way here. "Then... if you don't mind, could you order something for me? I'm not picky." 

"Of course." Ransom looked up and spouted an order. 

Kaya didn't hear a word of it, too preoccupied with the light touch of his fingers against her shoulder. It was a miracle she recovered in time to take minutes for the lunch meeting. 

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