The Opposite of Trust: Pain

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Kaya half-expected Lawrence to pick her up for work the next morning, but he didn't. Instead, she walked like usual. The modicum of normalcy helped prepare her mental state for the day ahead. 

Upon arriving at work, Kaya headed for the kitchen first. She should make Ransom something delicious to thank him for what he did the day before. He didn't know the half of how supportive and kind he had appeared to her, in that situation. 

Kaya had just started preparations for omelettes when Jacob and Marcy both came flying in her direction. 

Surprisingly, Marcy spoke first. "I heard what happened in the lobby. Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine." A lie. 

Kaya knew she wouldn't be fine, but she didn't dare say that to anyone. It would only put them in harm's way when they tried to help her. 

"I doubt that, but we'll discuss it later. Jacob says the real tea is how our cold-as-ice CEO took care of you so efficiently. Is there something I should know?" Marcy leaned her elbow on the counter and rested her head sideways against her palm. 

Kaya took a long, slow breath. Marcy made a good point. It did seem like something more was going on with Kaya and Ransom. It had seemed like that since the very beginning. 

"What do you want me to say?" Kaya picked up a whisk and set to work beating the eggs. 

It, at least, dispelled some of her frustration. 

"Forget it, Marcy, she's in a bad mood." Jacob rested his chin atop Marcy's head. "So, tell us why the assemblyman waited in the lobby instead." 

Kaya set the egg bowl down before she could drop it. How did those two go from one sensitive topic to another? 

"He wanted PR representation, I assume." 

"Oh, come on. That's boring!" Jacob pouted. "You were panicking. He must have said or done something." 

"Not really." 

She couldn't explain that his very presence prompted the attack on her mind and emotions. How did one explain that kind of fear? No, Kaya couldn't tell them anything. Then, they couldn't be held accountable later. 

"I need to finish CEO Lee's breakfast." Kaya didn't want to shut them out or push them away, but it was for the better good. 

Marcy shoved Jacob off of her and stood to her full height. "So there's something there. I get it. We'll be waiting for you to be honest with us." 

"Marcy, I..." Kaya pulled her lip between her teeth. She couldn't say more. For their sake. 

"Come on, Jacob." Marcy grabbed Jacob's wrist and tugged him after her as she left. 

"Don't worry Big Sis!" Jacob called over his shoulder. "We'll get to the bottom of everything! You can trust us and count on us!"

Anything else he might have said fell on deaf ears. 

Kaya didn't realize that having friends would mean hurting them. Perhaps, if she knew ahead of time, she would have tried harder to keep her walls up. 

A single tear ran its way down her cheek and settled on her chin, waiting for Kaya to give it permission to fall. 

Kaya tried her best to ignore it. 

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