A Piece of Quiet

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After Ransom assisted Kaya into his vehicle, they took off. Except, Kaya didn't think they were headed back to the company or the apartments. 

"Where are we going?" 

Ransom checked for cars before he switched lanes. "I thought you might like to go somewhere quiet for a bit." 

Really? Kaya blinked, trying to compute how perfectly Ransom had pinpointed her need for calm. She didn't understand how he managed to surprise her over and over again. In a good way. 

"Was I wrong?" 

Kaya shook her head. "No. Not wrong." 

"I didn't think so." Ransom seemed to relax after she confirmed that she would, indeed, like quiet. 

Kaya toyed with the string that extended from her hood. "Where is this quiet place?" 

"We don't have time to go where I'd really like to. This place is still in the city." 

Kaya nodded. She didn't mind, so long as it gave her a moment's peace. Ever since the first rumor online had started, Kaya felt like she had been running non-stop. So many things occurred over the past few weeks. 

Ransom maneuvered through the city, through streets Kaya had no way of knowing. After all, she had been so busy that she didn't have time to explore further than her own neighborhood. 

Just when Kaya thought they might be lost, Ransom pulled the car to a stop near the entrance to an alleyway. 

"This is it." 

"This is what?" Kaya gave the area a 360. It didn't look so inviting, to be honest. Cars crammed on side streets and a couple stray cats wandering around. 

Ransom chuckled, that low sound that made Kaya's stomach flip every time. She hated that he had that effect, but she couldn't change it. 

"Trust me." 

Kaya shot Ransom an incredulous look, but she agreed with a nod. 

Ransom exited the car first, leaving a dumbfounded Kaya in the passenger seat so he could circle the car and open her door. 

Kaya took Ransom's offered hand, more to reassure herself that she was okay than for any relational sake. 

Ransom didn't speak a word. Anything he would have said would fall on deaf ears, anyway. Instead, he led Kaya into the alley, where a host of business fronts displayed various wares. 

Ransom stopped at an open door topped with a banner, bent to duck under it, and tugged Kaya in behind him. 

Surprisingly, the room felt homey. Spacious, with screen dividers set up in various places to provide each table a feeling of privacy. The scent of something herbal permeated the atmosphere. 

Ransom led Kaya to the far corner and released her hand to pull a chair out from the table. "Have a seat." 

"What is this place?" Kaya settled onto the chair without much hesitation. 

"It's a tea room, of sorts." Ransom scooted Kaya's chair closer to the table and took his seat across from her. "Do you like it?" 

"It's peaceful." Kaya examined the painted tapestry on the wall near their table. 

Ransom folded his hands in his lap. "I'm glad you think so. I'm a regular here, so if you ever need a place to relax, don't hesitate to come. This is my reserved table." 

"Won't they question it?" 

Ransom shook his head. "Auntie Wang is familiar with me. She'll know you're my guest." 

"Thank you." 

"For what?" 

Kaya inhaled deeply, savoring the unique scent of the place. "For offering me somewhere to be okay." 

Ransom's responding smile held a hint of something that Kaya didn't dare name. "It's my pleasure." 

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