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"I kid you not, Zoren, if you do not grow up and stop making petty revenge plans, I will personally rip out your hair." Lina glared at her twin.

Zoren lifted his ice cream cone in a salute. "Yes ma'am. However... if I may point this out... you say that every time." 

Though Lina had half a mind to smash her ice cream into his face, she decided that would be a waste of chocolate deliciousness. Instead, she raised her spoon as if she might hit him with it. 

Zoren shied to the outside edge of the sidewalk. "Hey, I treated you to ice cream, didn't I?" 

"Yeah, and it's only the first step on a long road to forgiveness." 

Zoren rolled his eyes. "Look. I only did it because you were all mad at me for no good reason." 

"Avoiding the subject of your personal wealth is a fairly decent reason for your prospective girlfriend and said prospective girlfriend's best friend to be angry." Lina seriously didn't see how he didn't understand that. 

"If you're going to be petty, expect some revenge plots." Zoren shrugged his shoulders. 

Lina simply didn't understand how they couldn't see eye to eye on this one. They communicated so well on other subjects. Why not this one? 

"Do you think we should switch apartments?" Lina decided that changing the subject boded better for the conversation. 

Zoren bit into the waffle cone in his hands. "What do you mean?" 

"What I said. People found out about you. The apartment isn't secure. Shouldn't we move?" 

"What's this 'we' business?" Zoren narrowed his eyes in suspicion. "I thought you were staying for a few weeks and that's it." 

"If we split the rent someplace else, you'd be paying the same amount of money for a better place." 

"That's..." Zoren nodded, impressed. "Surprisingly frugal of you." 

"I'm just saying, you practically live in the ghetto. Move." 

"But Kaya's here." Zoren pouted at his sister. 

Lina rolled her eyes at Zoren, this time. "It's not like you can't see her if you don't live next door to her."

"Someone has to look out for her while she's at home." 

"Terrible excuse. Last time, you didn't even know she had passed out until Tobin and CEO Lee got here." 

"That's another thing. Why's she working at Conditus? No way is anyone going to let me in to see her. Have you seen their security?" 

Lina laughed. Zoren had it bad, but she just wasn't sure that Kaya saw him as more than a friend. She wished she could offer her brother more helpful news. 

The duo rounded the fence into the apartment complex's parking lot. Both stopped dead in their tracks. 

A semi-familiar black car parked in front of their apartment building and a tall, muscular man stepped out of the driver's door. He opened the back door of the car and waited for its occupant to step out. 

"Is that... Kaya?" Zoren twisted his face up in confusion. 

Lina nodded slowly. "Yep." 

"Who's the dude?" 

"IDK, fam." 

"Is Kaya wearing a man's suit jacket?" 

"Yes, she is." Lina dipped her spoon into her ice cream. 


Lina slid a scoop of ice cream into her mouth. "Not tall, dark, and beautiful's. He's still wearing his." 

Zoren elbowed Lina's side. "Hey, stop ogling the guy and help me figure this out! Wait, is he taking her inside?" 

"Sure is." Lina looked up at her brother. 

Truth was, Lina was pretty sure she had seen the guy before. One of the security staff at the Conditus headquarters. And if he escorted Kaya home, took her inside, there was only a handful of people who could have given that order and supplied the car. She had a crazy hunch she knew who it was. 

Lina also had a crazy hunch that Zoren figured it out, judging by the anger flaring up on his face. 

Without taking his eyes from Kaya, Zoren addressed his sister. "I think you're right. We should move. I mean... I have money, right?" 

Lina winced, fully aware that some strange plot had begun in her brother's mind. She didn't think she wanted to know the details.

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