A Dilemma

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Kaya dragged her feet up and over the very last stair.

Finally. Home.

She hated that the cafe had suddenly become a stressful working atmosphere. She loved the cafe itself. The smell of sweets and coffee...

Why did Noel have to act like such a jerk?!

Kaya rummaged angrily through her bag. Somehow, she overlooked her keys.

So she tried again.

Still no keys.

"Crap..." Kaya thought back over her morning routine. Had she managed to somehow forget her keys?

Clearly, you idiot.

How did she get herself out of this one?

Kaya's gaze turned to the door across the hall.

No, no, no. Don't go running for help every time something little happens. Figure it out.

She should call a locksmith.

Kaya snatched her phone and did a quick online search. Not that she could afford the data charges, but desperate times called for desperate measures.

"I'm sorry, we're swamped tonight. Would you be able to wait until morning?"

Kaya received the same message from all three locksmiths she phoned. Why did everyone suddenly need every available locksmith?

Feeling miserable, tired, and with no choice left, Kaya crossed the hall and lifted her fingers to knock on Lina and Zoren's door.

She feared her timid rap on the wood wouldn't be heard, but Zoren opened the door seconds later.


"Is Lina here?"

"Why?" Zoren looked Kaya over from head to toe. "Is something wrong?"

Kaya nodded slowly, that overwhelmed feeling starting to seep into her bones.

"What's up?"

"I can't get into my apartment because I lost my keys and none of the locksmiths can come until tomorrow so I don't have a place to stay and I'm so worn out..."

"Hey, hey. Calm down." Zoren rested a hand on Kaya's shoulder.

Kaya wrapped her arms around her torso and rolled her lips together.

"Okay, so, rationally speaking..." Zoren retracted his hand and shoved both hands into his pockets. "Lina isn't here right now, but since you don't have anywhere to go... You could stay here tonight."

Kaya blinked.

Zoren stared back at her.

"Are you insane? How is that rational? I can't stay here alone with you!" Kaya backed away from the door. "What if some crazy rumor starts? No. Uh-uh. I refuse."

"Do you have another option? Because if you do, by all means go ahead and take it."

"I'm calling Lina." Kaya navigated to Lina's number and pressed the call button.

Zoren propped his shoulder on the doorframe and crossed one ankle over the other.

Come on, come on. Lina, pick up!




"I don't know what to do!" Kaya tried her best not to break into tears. "I'm locked out and you're not home and I'm not staying with Zoren alone and-"

"No, of course you're not. Leave this all to me. Hand my brother the phone."

Kaya held the phone out with both hands.

Zoren put the phone to his own ear. "Yello? Yeah. Okay. Are you sure? Yup. Got it." He handed the phone back. "Stay here for a second. Lina will explain."


"Kaya!" The phone squawked in Kaya's hand.

"Oh. Yes?"

"You remember that friend I told you about? Zoren is going to take you to her place. Don't worry, you can get a locksmith tomorrow. Just relax okay?"

"Thank you so much."

"Don't sweat it. This is what friends do. Let me know when you get there."

Zoren appeared again, this time wearing a hoodie and with keys in his hand. "let's go."

Kaya couldn't explain the depth of her gratitude toward Lina and Zoren. Friends really were a great thing to have.

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