New Beginnings

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Just a warning before you start reading:


This book is cringe. Straight cringe. I write a lot better now. However, if you still feel inclined to read, then, by all means, go right ahead. I mean, some of the content is cute, and I found myself giggling and kicking and shit, but some other parts... don't even get me started. I would drop-kick, german suplex that motherfucker Ace into space, and ring Y/n's neck with my fist. 

They can be cute though... on occasion. 

My other book: Caution: Before you Fall in Love is somewhat similar, but written a lot better. But it's placed in the naruto-verse instead of the OP one, so read at your own behest. 

Thanks <3


Small, quiet, and malnourished, you were hardly noticeable, especially in the bustling streets of Rome. Yet, there you were, wrapped in a ragged blanket, huddled in the corner of a backway alley.

You'd think a girl as young as ten wouldn't last very long on the streets. Thankfully, most civilians were sympathetic and parted with what little cash they had on hand. With that, you could purchase newer clothes and utensils. The only downside was that you'd matured rather quickly for a child.

Had it not been for your exceptional speed and talent for pick-pocketing, you might have already been dead. Thankfully, the skills that you picked up at your former orphanage were nothing if not helpful. Still, they were barely enough to keep you on your toes. With no friends, you had no one to support you but yourself.

Cruel and relentless, your past home had a history of mistreating orphans. Perhaps living on the streets wasn't much better, but it was a step-up from the treatment you received from the people running that nuthouse.

At your young age, you might have died if it weren't for that fateful day. Some might claim that you were unlucky enough to have bumped into him. Others might say that you were blessed with good karma. To you, it didn't matter much, except for the fact that you were saved.


It was a cold, bitter day in December. The wind whistled its shrill tune and the clouds were plump with the promise of snowfall. Snow piled high on front porches and snowed in the garages.

It was a day that most people kept to themselves, bundled in their warm attire, hands resting atop a crackling fire. At some point, the snow might have been beautiful and wild, but now, it was nothing more than a disturbance, a cold slap of reality. With the way that you were now, you'd never survive past winter. Your dirty attire did little to keep the wind out and your shelter--if you could even call it that--was now decrepit and damp from the snow.

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