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Grand Line University was a prestigious, yet fairly welcoming school. With its high acceptance and graduation rates, it attracted many interesting individuals from around the world. That said, it also brought in many... questionable people as well.

You couldn't have normalcy without a little bit of spice.

From fraternities to secret societies, the Grand Line had it all.

It didn't come as much of a surprise that your entire group attended it as well. Law, Ace, and Sabo; your long-time 'friends', had entered and graduated high school long before you. And once they finished, they applied for the Grand Line, getting in fairly easily, especially Law considering that he had the intellect to par even the greatest minds.

Intelligent, stand-offish, and mysterious, it was no shock to you that a majority of the girls, and a few guys, had the hots for him. Sabo, on the other hand, was an easy and kind guy to get along with, another reason why he was also popular with most of the undergraduates.

Of course, you'd heard all this from Luffy, having not been updated on them for a while. Law was currently working on his master's in the medical field while Sabo was studying something involved in politics. Of what, you weren't sure.

As you hadn't seen them since the beginning of their high school career, you had no idea if they had changed over the years.

Although you kept in touch with Law, you knew he didn't change much, you weren't quite sure about Sabo or Ace.

While the blonde shot you the occasional, 'Things are great' text, Ace was radio silent, not that you cared much.

However, during the course of your freshman year in college, you made several new friends, that of which included: Nami, Zoro, Sanji, Franky, Robin, Usopp, and Chopper, among many others.

While they were your primary friends, you also got along with Killer and Bepo from other groups.

Nothing of significance really happened in your freshman year of college, but you couldn't be sure that streak would be held much longer, not with the way things were going.


You were in your calculus class, bored out of your mind as the Professor rambled on about cartesian coordinates, limits, and whatnot. To you, it sounded like pure gibberish, but to others, it sounded like the stuff of geniuses.

Why you had decided to take math in the first place, you had no idea. It's not like it had anything to do with your major anyways.

That aside, you had other things on your mind, like the beautiful weather and the things you wanted to do before the day ended.

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