Trio of Troublemakers

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You drew another sip from your carton of strawberry milk, eyes glued to your phone as you dug around your pocket for your earbuds with a free hand. Retrieving it at last, after much difficulty, you popped them in and tuned out from the world; quietly listening to the sexy lull of the speaker on the other end.

    As odd as it may be, horror podcasts always helped you calm down, especially after a long, grueling day in class and at your part-time job, which, to no offense to Monet, was hell. And the fact that Law was dodging your texts didn't help either. In fact, it only added to the ever-growing piling of worries on your lap, which only served to stress you out, considering you had the attention span of a goldfish--much like Luffy.

    Eyes still on the blue cafeteria table, you took measured sips of your milk, still zonked out by the heavenly taste of your beverage.

    "You can breathe. You can blink. You can cry. You can piss your pants. Hell, you'll all be doing that." The reader on the other end uttered, the deep baritone of the voice sending ripples down your spine.

'I'd hate to be the person on the receiving end of that line', you thought, 'must've been one hell of a person, 'cuz I sure would have pissed my pants as soon as they said that to me.'

    It wasn't until you heard a loud bang from the other end of the cafeteria, that you looked up, still drowsy and heavy from taking a nap earlier in your physics class. Sitting up from your slumped position, and rubbing your eyes, trying to figure out what everyone was whispering about, you looked, eyes bulging as soon as they recognized that bushy head of fiery red hair and the iconic mask of his friend, Killer.

    To make things worse, he was staring in your general direction -- straight at you.

    After that little scuffle with him at the bar, you were in no mood to be interacting with the red-head for the next year or so, but that didn't change the fact that he was bulldozing his way through dozens of students to get to your lonesome little table at the other end of the vast room.

    Normally, you would have ran by now -- and though you tried -- as soon as you looked behind for a possible escape hatch, you found yourself staring straight into the silvery, panther like eyes of Law on the polar opposite side of Kid.

    Double whammy.

    Throat tight with tension, you turned back robotically, muscles stiff from awkwardness before you glanced down at your darkened device, hands going clammy; mind fizzling out from a lack of air.

This was the worst possible situation you could have gotten yourself into. You were just thankful that Ace wasn't here...

    Law paused in place, hardened heel clicking against the linoleum floor before he gazed straight at Kid with the deadliest glare he could muster, tentative frown turning into a full blown scowl at the other's nonchalant grin; wide and full of razors.

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