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You woke up early the next day, dragging yourself out of bed to trudge to the bathroom you shared with Nami.

Your throat was parched and your eyes were bloodshot from the previous night's occurrences. However, you weren't going to let that get the best of you, so with a sigh, you scrubbed at your face.

'Stupid Zoro, he should've just let me win the drinking game...' You groaned, 'I wish I could have held his swords. Just once, at the very least...'

It had been a longtime dream of yours to be able to examine his swords, seeing as how you were a blade fanatic like him. But you knew it wouldn't be that easy to get his weapons in your hands.

So, sighing once more, you washed your face and scrubbed at the dark bags hanging from your eyes.

Once you'd gotten the chance to brush your teeth and take your first dump of the day, you finally felt somewhat ready to conquer the world.

The morning was cool, crisp, and refreshing, because of the small window you left open the night prior. And when you rubbed away the remnants of sleep from your eyes, you made for your haphazardly arranged dresser, fishing out the best outfit you could, prepared to take on the day.

After gathering your hair into a somewhat salvageable state, you slid into a pair of washed-out converse and made your way down to the University cafeteria. But when you arrived, Nami was nowhere to be found.

As you weaved through the different halls, you finally found her lounging outside, chatting up her sister, Nojiko.

Though her outfit wasn't unlike yours, it was far more revealing. With her sleeves rolled up to her elbows and her long hair pulled out of her face, she looked absolutely stunning as she excitedly chatted up her sibling. And when you pulled up next to her, heaving a heavy sigh as you did, she finally noticed your presence with a smile.

'Maybe I shouldn't have agreed to have a small drinking game with Zoro after all...' You chuckled at the ridiculous thought as you massaged at your temples.

How were you expected to pay attention to class now?

The ginger pulled you out of your thoughts when she teasingly pinched the sides of your cheeks.

"Oh, Y/n! Good morning. How'd you sleep?"

"Horrible..." You croaked.

"I'd say so."

She waved her sister goodbye before refocusing on you, pulling at the odd strand that stuck out from your hoodie.

Then the two of you walked towards the University cafe, picking up your usual order of coffee and biscuits. Instead of caffeine, though, you opted for water and a light sandwich to fill your stomach. You weren't in the mood for something heavy at the moment.

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