Drink Up!

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The half-lidded eyes, the hazy eyes, and the sober eyes were all on you. Although most of them were assessing Kid, a good majority of the male ones were wandering to the only vulnerable looking female there--that being you and that scared you shitless. However, you weren't going to let them see that. As a child of Mihawk, if you couldn't even handle a few thugs, could you really call yourself the daughter of an ex-mafia Don?

Nervously, you pulled at your coat tighter and looped an arm around Luffy's as you followed after Kid.

"Everybody, calm your tits," The red-head lifted up his hands and flashed his coat as some of the other men in the corner began rising from their seats, a dark glare on their faces as they took in the intimidating man, "As promised, I'll be on my best behavior. And as you can clearly tell, I even came unarmed. So, let's have a little fun, shall we?"

Killer grew taut but soon relaxed when the men realized that they were outnumbered by the sheer size of Kid's group. Knowing full well that he had won the attention of everyone in the bar, the redhead raised his arms and grinned before he went over to the front.

That certainly was... odd.

Why he had mentioned the fact that he was unarmed was... quite frankly, terrifying and you didn't want to think more into it than you had to--so you didn't.

Simple as that.

It wasn't that you were necessarily afraid of the place per-se, just the questionable individuals in it--people like Kid. And who wouldn't be nervous with the way the men were looking at you; with eyes so full of malice and hidden intent?

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you forgot all about your tension when you heard the clap of two hands. Glancing up, you saw Kid grinning down at the bartender, their hands intertwined as they brought the other into a side-hug. It was evident that they knew each other. How they did though, you didn't know, but you didn't question it, not when you knew that Kid was a man with questionable connections. Looking too hard into it would only make your head hurt.

"Well, shit," The redhead started, "I haven't seen you in a good fucking minute, Darryl."

The bartender laughed at that.

"Of course not. With the shit that you've been pulling all over the city, I'm not surprised that you haven't had a chance to come over. Now, why don't we quench that thirst over a cup of whiskey? What do you say to that?"

"Hell fucking yeah."

With a smirk to match the redhead's feral one, the elderly man towed the other over to the bar, the two discussing something in private as the rest of the gang mingled with the other customers.

You watched as Killer, Heat, and Wire took up their respective spaces in a corner booth, the three immediately tossing back several beers with broad grins on their faces as their leader leaned into the bartender, both of their faces as tense as a violin string.

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