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Having expected to see him in the room, you were shocked to find it empty and devoid of any life, save for the crack of light under the bathroom door. Now that you knew where he was though, you felt relieved and quite frankly, glad that you had some more time to mentally prepare yourself for what was to come.

However, you were also curious about his bedroom, seeing as it was your first time here.

So, as you walked around, you found yourself marveling at his collection of skateboards, books, and blankets; your impression growing tenfold when you saw the various LOTR and Star Wars movies on his shelf. Picking one up, you flipped it to the back and giggled at the stupid remark scrawled.

What did Yoda ride as a kid?

A do-cycle, because there is no tri.

Granted, it was stupid, and you had no idea who put it, but it still put a smile on your face.

Walking around once more, you also looked for his porno stash as well, looking high and low for it, but when you couldn't find it, you heaved out a sigh of disappointment before looping around to sit at the edge of his bed. Pulling up your feet to the side, you let it swing idly as your attention was caught by something else.

Staring at the picture of the ASL brothers on the nightstand, you felt your heart pitter-patter.

Smiling once more, you plucked it from its stand and held it to the light, grinning at Luffy's goofy expression as Ace pulled at his ears with an aggressive snarl on his face. Sabo, much like you though, stood on the side while holding up a peace sign to the camera.

It brought back a feeling of nostalgia in you...

But, it also brought back feelings of anger and hatred for the hot-headed elder ravenette.

He was always kind of a jackass back then, as Luffy had said, but he'd changed, hadn't he?

So, with a sigh, you put it back down before going over to look around the room.

Now that you were here, it felt kinda odd. It was uncharacteristically dark and cold in the otherwise vibrant room, which rubbed you off the wrong way.

It felt like you weren't supposed to be here--which you probably weren't, but on Nami's behest, you had anyways.

Still, that shiver down your spine from the odd hostility you seemed to be getting was setting you on edge. Your instincts were telling you to run while the more rational part of you told you to stay.

To say you were torn between the two was an understatement. You felt like an ant about to be crushed by a rock by the whiplash of emotions you were experiencing.

However, after a moment of sitting there for a while longer, you determined that it was a lost cause and that you'd just talk to him later.

So, standing up once more, you made for the door, your fingers wrapping around the handle to open it until you felt a hand slam down against it, pushing the lock back into place.

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