Rev that Motorcycle, boy.

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Over the span of the week, you spent the brunt of your time in bed, your hands occasionally going up to feel your lips. You remembered exactly how he felt against yours--the softness of it pressing against you and the saltiness of the sea mixed with it. To say it was one of the best sensations you ever felt was an understatement. You were terrifyingly giddy, your head growing fuzzy whenever you thought about it. And you couldn't get the butterflies to stop even when you pinched your stomach. It was weird, that much made sense, but it was hard to squander that smile on your face, no matter how hard you tried. Despite how happy Nami was to see you finally open yourself up to someone, she didn't like the foreboding atmosphere that would suppress the air whenever Pudding would come home. It was like someone pressing an anvil on a piece of taut metal, willing it to crumble under the pressure, but somehow, it was like you were oblivious to her toxicity. Maybe it was because of what had happened last weekend, but ever since that one getaway, you were all flowers and smiles. No one--not even Pudding could get you down from cloud nine.

Still, that didn't mean the other didn't try. Pudding used whatever she had in her arsenal to take you down a peg, whether that be attacking your appearance or nitpicking your insecurities, she did her utmost to destroy your confidence. At this point, she wasn't even trying to be subtle anymore. It was like she was doing her best to deter you from thinking about Ace, which was practically impossible at this point.

However, there were some things she had said that hit you straight at home.

It bothered you that he hadn't even attempted to talk about that kiss--not even once. It was like it had never even happened, which you knew wasn't true, because even now, you could feel his lips on yours--weird as it may be.

And to top all that, after that event last weekend with Ace, you didn't know how to talk around him, much less act. It wasn't like you were friends anymore, not after what he had done, but you weren't dating either. You didn't really know what you were. Still, the two of you kept in contact, even if the other was busy with work at the tattoo parlor or at school hanging out with his friends.

But you were thankful for the space. Even now, you weren't even sure if you wanted to take that step forward or if you wanted to remain as you were, but it was evident that Ace knew exactly where you were at.

Either way, at some point, you would have to make the choice to go with him or risk destroying it all. Though, neither sounded appealing at the moment.

You could tell that he was just giving you some space to make your decision, but even he was too impatient to cut off contact until then, in fact, even now he was texting you.

You glanced around the classroom wearily before you discreetly pulled out your phone under the desk, scrolling past the icons until you got to your messages.

Clicking it, you found an ominous message about his dick.


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