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One moment, you were holding onto the end of Zoro's shirt, the next, you were staring at an empty pocket of space before you.

What the hell had happened between the moment you were looking away and the moment the mint-head was mumbling about his sake? There was no way he could have disappeared that fast.

But... now that he was gone, you couldn't exactly do anything about it.

As you panicked at the possibility of having lost your friend a mere minute into the party, you hadn't even noticed the nervous hand gripping your arm and when you did, you freaked out.

The individual started tugging on you, pulling you out of your daze and back into the raging night of drunkards, flashing lights, and chaotic idiots.

'What the fu--' You glanced downwards, your heart stabilizing when you realized that it was just your friend.

'At least one of them stayed behind...' You thought. That was better than nothing.

Parties made you terribly nervous, especially when you were surrounded by a horde of strangers.

"Chopper, fucking hell," Rubbing away at the goosebumps on your arm, you peered over to your friend and asked, "Do you know where Zoro went?"

When he shrugged, you grumbled, "Stupid marimo..."

He probably got lost on the way to the minibar.

Serves him right.

The brunette peeked over your shoulder and nodded towards the open bar, "He probably went to drink away the night."

"Most likely..." With a sigh, you surveyed the area, determining which parts were safe and which weren't.

'Fucking hell.' There were so many people here.

In all honesty, you hadn't expected this many to show up for Ace. Maybe he truly was popular, something that hadn't even occurred to you before.

Perhaps that was because you'd grown up with a little brat, one who had a penchant for driving people away.

Apparently, that had changed...

It made you sad, to say the least. Was Ace the same person he was before or had he become someone completely new?

You shook the thoughts from your head and focused back on your friend.

As the students grew closer to you, you suddenly felt nervous at the mass of writhing bodies.

So many hormonal college students with an abundance of bad decisions whirling away in their booze-addled minds.

Oh, the things that would happen...

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