Mugiwara's Hangout~ (Pt. 1)

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The first thing you did was wake up, take a shower, and eat a croissant that Nami had left out. The second thing on your agenda was to hunt down Luffy and smother him with your love since no one else would accept it. The third was to visit the nearest dispenser to get your daily dose of strawberry milk. And the fourth--well, you hadn't exactly anticipated the fourth to happen.

The first thing you saw as soon as you walked out of your dorm was Ace. He was idly strolling by with Marco, fooling around with the other as you walked by the two of them in confusion. The second time, you were prowling down the stairs to the floor below and you saw him chilling by the nearest classroom with another friend. He still hadn't noticed you. The third time you saw him was when you were going over to Luffy's place and by the time he'd finally seen you, you had already run away to the nearest building. When he saw you the fourth, fifth, and sixth time, he was the one running after you like an absolute monster. I mean, he was going after you as if his life depended on it -- as if he were a dog chasing after a scrap of meat.

You were about to go insane. Were you hallucinating his presence or was this all happening in real-time? And why was he so adamant about catching up to you? Didn't you just see each other the other day? Why was he acting like he hadn't seen you in over a hundred years?

You clutched at the strands of your hair and anxiously looked over your shoulder as you snuck to your next class, your bag over your head to conceal your face.

After attending your last few periods and evading the prowling ravenette, you were completely exhausted and unaware of the presence lurking behind you. Thankfully, it had only been Luffy when you turned around.

You wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed him against you as he whined out loudly. For all his complaining though, the boy couldn't help but wrap his arms around you as well, pressing you tightly to his chest while laughing merrily to the top of his lungs.

"Geez, you scared the living daylights outta me, Luf!" You pressed a hand to your heart and laughed out breathlessly.

" Shishishi, you're easy to scare, aren't ya?" The other poked at your nose.

The two of you devolved into laughter as he shot out a joke, keeping you oblivious to the second body slowly creeping up behind.

You were reminded of your hangout with the Mugiwara's when you looked down at the message on your phone.

"Oh, yeah, Luf, when did Zoro tell us to come over? Weren't we all planning to chill over at his place today or was that some other day?"

"I'm sure it's today... and even it isn't, I'm still going. I just finished my classes and I have nothing to do so I might as well just annoy Zoro."

"I see." You stroked your chin, "Does annoying Zoro help relieve stress? I feel like I'll end up in a body bag with lacerations all over my body if I did that..."

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