Cliffside Hangout (Pt. 2)

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The rolling hills and the last rays of the sun filtering through the trees made Ace's appearance all the more ethereal. You really couldn't explain the way he looked right now; it was a mix of temptation and beauty, like a piece of art you couldn't have, but could only watch.

Why you felt this way, you still couldn't explain, but it was similar to the way you felt when Mihawk would hug you or when Luffy would offer you a piece of his meal--which was rare.

Shaking the thoughts from your head, you refocused on the view ahead, opting to look at the sun rather than the boy in front of you.

Ace hitched a leg over the cliff and tucked the other under his body as he sprawled across the lush grass, his head leaning back to peer over at where you were sitting. After a moment of thought, he lifted it again, his eyes zeroing in on the sparkling sea.

This contemplative side of him was a little bizarre, seeing as he only acted like an air-headed idiot without any thoughts around of you, but maybe he only acted that way because there were other people around. Or maybe you were just looking too much into it to realize he was just acting that way because he was comfortable around you.

Either way, you felt strangely at peace at this newer side of him.

"Hey, Peep?"

Your head popped up at his inquisitive tone. "Yeah?" You responded.

"In another life," He began once more, "Do you think we would have been different had we been born in another world?"

You stopped fiddling with the stick in your hand and looked up, "I don't know..." The branch snapped under the pressure, "Maybe."

The ravenette chuckled before he elegantly balanced a leaf on his nose.

"I think," He paused for a second to toss a pebble over the cliff, watching as it made its descent into the dark depths before continuing again, "I think we would have been pirates."


He lifted his arms and began making gestures to impersonate his thoughts, "Yeah, the sword-wielding, bandit looting type."

"I know what a pirate is, numb knuckle. I was just wondering why you'd pick that of all things. Why not a prince or a ninja? Your life would be easier as one."

"Can you see me as a prince? Me?"

' I mean, why not? ' You thought.

He's got the looks, the charm, and even the popularity.

It wouldn't be that far-fetched to call him one in the first place.

"Why not? It's an easy way out. Just imagine this--a life living off the riches of your parents while you travel wherever you want while getting whatever you please. Isn't that what most people want?"

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