Auto-Shop Mishap

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You met up with Sanji at his campus apartment and held out your offering of croissants and tea to make up for the car you had wrecked with Zoro. As expected, he laid the blame on his moss-headed friend and disregarded your concern, but accepted your little gift of food with delight. Before leaving, you made sure to pack up the clothes Kid had 'lent' you the night after the party, with the intent of handing it back to him when you met up with his group later that day. Of course, there was no guarantee that he was going to take it back, but you didn't want to keep it in your dorm for fear that someone would misunderstand.

You looked into your bag and gazed at the folded clothes. As cute as they were, you knew you couldn't keep them... even if they were your style.

'Damn Kid and his good fashion sense!'

Today, you were to meet up with the unruly redhead and his gang of misfits at his auto-shop to pick up your blonde friend's newly repaired car. To say you were afraid was an understatement, you were absolutely terrified. How was one supposed to act normal around a person like Eustass Kid, Grand Line University's nightmare student?

Still, your friend, Sanji, going with you, helped quell the fear, if only by a little. However, it was still better than going alone.

So, you piled into the cab that your friend had hailed and drove all the way to the shop on the other end of the town. You could tell that Sanji was happy to be alone with a female figure, judging by his wandering eyes and frequent nosebleeds when you leaned in just a little too close to his side of the vehicle. Despite his perverted nature, he was still a gentleman, so he made sure not to stray too far over the bounds of what was deemed okay.

You were thankful for that, at least.

You leaned against the cool glass of the window and relished in the feeling of solidarity that it gave you. The scenery was also a welcoming sight to your tired eyes. After a month of chaos and confusion, you were glad for this moment of peace, as short as it may be.

Sanji moved to his prospective seat and remained quiet for the remainder of the ride as the two of you rode there in comfortable silence.

However, that moment of peace was broken when you witnessed a squirrel puking by the roadside over a nut that had lodged itself into its throat.

You might be wondering how that affected you? Well--

A barrage of memories from your night at Kid's place suddenly hit you like a freight train.


You were hunched over the toilet, heaving out the remnants of your stomach as someone held your hair back for you. Despite their kind actions, you had a feeling that that was the last place they wanted to be right now, and your fears were confirmed when you turned around to look at them.

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