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Everywhere you went, you saw him; in the halls, in your classes, on the campus, even at the cafe you worked at. He was there, regardless of whether you wanted him to be or not.

And it didn't help that Pudding followed him like a lost puppy either, or rubbed it in your face that your relationship with him was now broken. In fact, that's all she ever did when you were back at the dorm. Having said that, her part in the photo fiasco was also becoming clearer to you.

There was no other person in mind except for her.

It just had to be.

But you hadn't the time nor the patience to think about that, especially when you had to get to your shift before anything went astray.

So, you quickly rubbed at the swollen bags under your eyes and made it to the cafe, clocking in as soon as you got in.

However, it wasn't much better when you got there. The manager was already in a foul mood because of your tardiness and when you tried to talk to Monet, she merely glared daggers at you before rounding over to the back to tend to other things. You assumed it was because she just wanted to get away from you, but you still didn't want to leave things as they were, so you also made it to the back.

Nervously wringing your wrists, you glanced up at her and waved, only to retract your hand when she tossed another seething glare your way.

"Monet, I'm not sure what I did, but--umm--," You paused, "Could we talk about it?"

"There's nothing to talk about."

"Really, 'cuz I think--"

She slammed her hand down on the counter she was wiping down, "There's nothing to talk about!" Then, with a heavy sigh, she curved her head down and tossed the towel aside, "You kissed Kid, there's nothing more that needs to be said."

You blinked up at her.

How did she know that?

Then it dawned on you that she might have been the one to take the picture--or at the very least, the one who'd sent it.

So, you carefully prodded deeper, "T-The picture, you're the one who took it then?"

But instead of admitting to it, she merely cocked her head to the side in confusion and guffawed, "Picture? What picture? No-I--," She exhaled a shaky sigh, "People talk, Y/n. And with how frequently I visit his place, it comes to no surprise that his friends are talkative, especially about his love life--which I might add, is currently occupied!"

She then cornered you into a nearby stall and growled, "I'm his girlfriend, you bitch! How could you--I trusted you--I thought we were... friends."

Your heart dropped before a trickle of sweat made a path down your temple.

"Monet, it was a mistake! I didn't mean to kiss him--," You shook your head, "I mean--I wasn't even the one to initiate it! He's the one who... forced himself on me."

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