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After a long week of stressing over Zoro's car and Luffy's imprisonment, you had naught to do but relax on the weekend. It was the relief and the time alone that you needed in order to recuperate for the next week. And with exams coming in soon, you didn't exactly have the time to sit back and laze about just yet.

However, a good event was the ideal way to take your mind off of these things...

4 hours before the party...

Mugiwara Crew

Nami: So, here's the plan. We're going to meet up at Shakky's before going to the party.

Nami: Considering Zoro crashed his car, we're going to have to use Usopp's van to get there.

Zoro: That wasn't my fault. You were screaming in my ear, woman.

Sanji: Don't talk to Nami-san like that you stupid, moss-head.

Zoro: Say that again, I dare you.

Usopp: L

Chopper: L

Nami: Guys, shut the fuck up.

Luffy: WOOOOOO! P.A.R.T.Y. I hope they have meat!

Nami: Don't worry, I'm sure they have plenty for you.

Nami: That aside, we need to convince Y/n to go.

Luffy: She's not going? I thought she said she was!

Robin: Clearly you haven't been paying attention.

Nami: I've tried convincing her...

Chopper: And?

Nami: And it didn't work, so we'll have to resort to other methods. Our only option is to bribe her into going...

Franky: That's SUPER~ suspicious. If she doesn't want to go, why are we forcing her to?

Y/n: Yeah, Nami, why are you trying to force me to go. :(

Nami: Luffy, you forgot to take her out of the group chat.

Luffy: Oops.

Usopp: 'Oops', you know he wouldn't remove his best friend from the GC. Shouldn't have relied on him.

Y/n: Woah, woah, woah. Don't remove me!

Y/n: Look, I don't need any convincing, but I'll be willing to take a little bribe! :)

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