I Trust You

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Standing a little ways away from the door, you played with the hem of Ace's sleeve, thankful that it was long enough to cover the variety of bruises you had to offer, but it still didn't help in the way of the eyes on you; so heated and angry at your sudden absence.

"Mind explaining where you disappeared at one in the morning, Y/n?" Nami steepled her fingers on the run down couch, her eyes never deviating from you even as Luffy hopped around with Chopper swinging from his neck -- the two making one hell of distraction for Sanji, the poor man left to fend for himself as the rascal ravenette ran off with three pounds of freshly cooked meat.

"Uhh," You dumbly rubbed at a spot on your neck, fingers running across a freshly scabbed bite, suppressing the urge to scratch it off, "Disneyland?"

"Disneyland?" She repeated, clearly seeing through the horribly pieced excuse, "You expect me to believe that?"

"Yes?" You shrugged nonchalantly, watching as Zoro rounded your side to settle on the couch, promptly pulling his bandana down so that it was obscuring his eyes from the scene unfolding before him, mostly likely to take a nap, you noticed, before focusing your attention back on the enraged Nami -- face screwed shut in nervousness.

It wasn't until the ginger walked up to you that she noticed the unusual clothes on your body, not to mention the suspicious scarf that in no way matched the outfit. And upon further inspection, she realized that it was not, in fact, yours, but a noticeably masculine type, one she knew you'd never get willingly, and it was a style she didn't recognize either.

"My, those garments are certainly unique. Have you decided to change your style?" Robin asked inquisitively, her hand pulling at the lettered hoodie. You sucked in a breath at her close proximity, terrified that she'd sniff out your secret fairly quickly, but released a breath when Franky beckoned her over. "Don't listen to her, Y/n! It looks SUPER~ fashionable! And very manly!"

"Thanks, Franky." You piped back, uncertain if that was a compliment or not. Regardless, you'd take it how you saw it. Snapping your gaze back to Nami, you suddenly found her standing within a foot of you, hand poking at your chest intrusively, "First, you went out with Zoro--and don't say you didn't, I already know. And two, you look awfully ragged. Something you want to tell me, Y/n?"

You swallowed before shaking your head.

"Nope. Nothing."

"Then why are you sweating?"

"That's from the rain."

"What's with the waddling then? Was it leg day at the gym, Y/n? Did you get that midnight run in with Zoro?"

A droplet of sweat ran down your temple at the interrogation scene.

"Y-Yeah, midnight jog--that's it, right there."

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