Onsen Rendezvous! - Filler Chapter

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After months of studying, you knew that your friends would appreciate a much needed rest. Thankfully though, Nami had read your mind when she booked a two-day vacation to the nearest Onsen resort, and because of her rich boyfriend's money, she was able to reserve several suites for your rather large group.

And there you were, packed and loaded into Usopp's minivan with Franky driving, Robin in the passenger; Nami, Chopper, and Usopp in the front, while Sabo, Koala, and Law remained in the back.

Unfortunately for you though, you were paired with the absolute worst group you could have possibly imagined to be put with. Although you had Chopper in front of you and Sabo behind for moral support, ultimately, you were squeezed in between Ace who was constantly nagging you, and Luffy who was the excitable idiot next to you.

And if you thought it couldn't get worse... well, it could.

Law, for some apparent reason, decided to get into Usopp's van instead of his own group's because of some vague reason he had failed to mention--not that you were interested in it...

However, you weren't going to let that get to you, so reaching over your seat, you squished your face between the crack in front of you and hollered out for some food. Luckily, Luffy had been the one to hear your pleas, so he brought you a basket of food; the two of you merrily munching on it as you excitedly conversed about the resort, that is, until Nami smacked you both on the head for wasting the group snacks before they even began driving.

"You idiots! If you eat all of the food, we're not going to have enough for the rest of the drive!"

The two of you pressed your hands against the swollen knots and bowed your heads in apology.

"Sorry, Nami~" You sullenly pouted as you continued to chew on your piece of beef jerky.

A little later, when the two of you recovered from your beating, you noticed the pair of eyes on you. Glancing over, you found Ace leaning precariously over your chair with a hand wrapped around the base of your seatbelt.

"Aren't you glad I attended, Peep? Would've been a real shame to leave the life of the party out."

You cringed in your seat, producing a set of triple chins as you did, "Please stop. I actually begged Luffy to leave you out of our plans for once, but..."

"But I'm too damn sexy to leave out." He shrugged nonchalantly as he leaned back in his seat.

You merely raised a brow at him and scoffed, "If you say so..."

Then, after a couple more minutes of his constant teasing, you finally relented and whirled on the ravenette.

"What the hell do you need? I'm trying to enjoy this ride in peace, but you're the one ruining it with your constant nagging. So, what do you want? And please give me a valid reason before I beat you up."

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