The Night Before Disaster

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Kid kicked open his door and strolled in, dumping his keys into a nearby jar as he made for the couch. He plopped down the instant he kicked his boots off, relaxing into the soft cushions as the others strolled in.

Today had not been his day. From running into Portgas to beating the shit out of some lowlife, he seemed to be getting the short end of the stick lately, and that was all because of a certain someone. In fact, that person was with him right now.

Killer carried you in as Monet followed close behind. Fortunately, the others had gone home after they had gotten a good distance away from the mansion, bidding their leader goodbye before going their own way. Killer, on the other hand, opted to stay so he could drop you at the red-heads house. He had made the vague excuse that his place wasn't 'big enough' for another girl, especially one as rowdy as you. Not to mention the fact that the Mugiwara's were probably looking for you, which was more trouble he didn't want to avoid if he could.

The redhead had no choice, so he begrudgingly accepted. Plus, on the bright side, he had another reason to keep you here, so he wasn't all that against it.

That didn't account for the other girl who had followed along though. The redhead thought that once they were a good distance away from the party, she'd just leave on her own accord, but it seemed that she had a plan of her own.

As soon as Killer walked into the room, he tilted his head to his leader and asked, "Where do you want me to put her?"

Kid flourished his hand towards the couch as if it were the most obvious answer.

"Just leave her on the couch. I don't want her making a mess elsewhere."

The blonde wordlessly laid her on her side, so as to prevent her from choking on her own vomit. He then scoured the place for a bucket and laid it out in front of the couch.

As the other was busy fussing over you, the red-head took the opportunity to look over at the other guest.

"Why are you still here?" Kid's narrow eyes traveled over to the mint-head.

"Oh, I thought that maybe I'd be allowed to stay for the night..."

"Does this look like a hotel to you?" The redhead reached over to his coffee stand and plucked a cigarette from it, promptly placing it between his lips as he lit it. "It isn't, so fuck off. I already have enough trouble as is." He gestured over to you as he blew out a puff of smoke.

"Come on, Kid. Don't be like that." The girl sidestepped Killer and made her way to the redhead, climbing into his lap as she pressed her lips to the shell of his ear. "I promise I'll make it up to you."

Honestly, there weren't many girls who were brave enough to pursue Kid, so Killer had to commend her on that, even if he didn't necessarily like her.

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