Watch as the World Burns

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You excused yourself from the redhead, untangling his hands from your hair as you bolted to the bathroom. And once you were inside, you pressed your hand to your heart and exhaled heavily, the appendage shaking for some unknown reason.

Why was it that around him you were so unsteady? Was it because of his terrifying demeanor or was it the way that he treated you?

Either way, the tremor that you felt in your body was different from the ones you'd feel around Ace. They were more nervous than embarrassed as if you'd done something wrong. And yet, you felt as if you had. You felt that every moment you spent around the redhead was illegal, like you were wronging someone...

And maybe you were.

After that kiss with Ace, you could hardly think of anything else, much less anyone. And although Kid had occupied most of your time today, when you were alone, you thought of no one but the ravenette.

You sighed and with a hiccup, you drunkenly made your way to the sink and turned the faucet on, splashing some of the water on your face to dispel the dizziness that suddenly overtook you. After you cleaned up, you looked at yourself through the mirror, surprised to see the girl staring back.

She was different from the one you had seen when you were with Ace. This one had a pair of rusty goggles around her neck and a hazy, yet fierce look in her eye, one not unlike Kid's. And maybe that's what terrified you enough to stumble back into another stall.

What the hell were you doing?

Swallowing, you splashed another handful of water onto your face before you hobbled back into the bar, your legs taking you back to the counter where Luffy was at. However, this time, he was fully awake--or as awake as a drunk person could be and slowly making the Eiffel tower out of his chicken nuggets.

Quickly glancing around, you let out a sigh of relief when you saw that Kid was nowhere to be seen. So, you slid into the spot next to Luffy and stole one of his chicken nuggets, popping it into your mouth just as Heat pulled up behind you. His sudden appearance though sent the nuggie straight down your windpipe, causing you to hack and cough into the counter as the other worriedly looked you down.

"Y-Y/n? Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"No," You coughed out, "It's fine. You just appeared like a ghost, that's all. S-Shit," Laughing out loud, you commented, "I might be drunk, but I'm still as alert as ever."

"As can be seen." The man peered over your shoulder at your friend's tower of food, questioning, "That the Eiffel tower?"

"What else?"

But when Luffy began whispering something under his breath, you leaned in, listening to the little words that came out of his mouth. However, when Heat went in to ask you something, you lifted your finger and immediately silenced him. Awkwardly, he stood in his spot and looked at the two odd individuals playing around with the nugget tower.

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