The Truth (Pt. 3)

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It had been some time since Ace last stepped foot into a hospital.

It wasn't a place he wanted to be, or rather, a place he could be in without relapsing; reliving old, agonizing memories of death and pain, but it was a place he was obligated to visit.

Knowing full well you were here, he had no choice but to tolerate it for the meanwhile.

Oftentimes, however, he was forced to visit because of the nature of his family. More times than not, they were shot up by some rival gang or forced into a compromising situation that led to their injury, but that didn't stop him from avoiding hospitals.

This time, however, it was unavoidable.

His eyes were set forward and he didn't look into any of the other rooms except for yours. He didn't want to. He didn't want to see the horrors that lay inside.

Ace closed his eyes and sighed, swaying in his spot as Law's words reverberated in his skull. He then opened them when the migraine returned, this time more excruciating and with a new twist of agony to it.

"You really shouldn't be here."

Opening his eyes once more, he focused on the brooding doctor in front of him.

"And why wouldn't I?" The ravenette's finger twitched by his side, eager to make the first move. "It's my obligation--no, my right to be here ."

Law frowned in Ace's direction, dark silver eyes catching his own. "I could get you dragged out by security if I felt inclined to do so."

"You wouldn't."

"And what makes you think that?"

Ace stared through the ravenette. "Because, whether you like it or not, we're both here for Y/n's sake."

Law folded his arms over his chest and scoffed, "Her sake?"

Unamused, Ace shifted, leaning in the direction of your room.

He had no interest in entertaining this buffoon any longer than he had to. His only intention was to see you. He figured that once he left though, that sleazy ravenette would make his move on you, which prompted him to stay a while longer.

He started on his way without so much as a second glance to the doctor's direction. "We're done with this conversation."

"Hey!" Law's deep, and somewhat biting voice cut through the tension, attracting the attention of everyone within the vicinity. "We're far from over, Ace-ya." He said without so much as a moment's hesitation.

Ace turned his head but made no move to reply as the other took a step closer.

Then, proceeding once he knew that he had the other's attention, Law fixed his cold eyes to the other, watching as his back twitched in irritation at the sudden use of his name.

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