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"We're good on our end, Kid. Wire's got the boys locked and loaded."

"Good," The redhead slowly lifted himself from his spot even when Monet tried to keep him down, her manicured fingers failing to hold onto the edge of his feathered jacket as he moved over to his desk and splayed his fingers across the scorched map.

When he nodded towards Killer, the rest of his men departed from the place until it was just the two of them there.

Now that all was ready for the assault that was to come towards the end of October, he no longer had any need for them right now.

So, when they left, he turned towards her, an annoyed brow lifting when he saw that she was still there. Then, his lips curved into a tight frown; obviously displeased with her current presence, as if he had expected her to leave ages ago.

"Don't look too disappointed to see me," The mint-head rolled her eyes when she found her way to his side, her arms wrapping around his thick biceps once more, bringing about an even larger frown on his face; one that quickly morphed into a scowl when she buried her head into his mid-section.

"I don't want you involved in this part of my life."

Monet's golden eyes wavered over to him.

"Could it be that you're actually worried for me, Kid?"

An incredulous look appeared on his face.

"No," He curtly answered before he shrugged her off and went over to the edge of his bed, where he began to shed off the multiple layers of his clothing. "I just don't want you hearing things that could bite me in the ass later."

The girl's throat bobbed nervously as a shadow of realization dawned on her.

He didn't trust her.

"T-Then, why am I here?"

"You let yourself in."

When he was finally down to his last layers, the girl walked over to his side and trailed a finger over one of the scars on his back, watching in delight when his pupils dilated at the small action.

"Oh, come on, Kid, you can trust me. We've been together for how long now? Just let me in--I swear I'll be beneficial to you."

Before her fingers could trail any deeper though, he twisted around and grabbed her wandering hand, pinning it above her head as he roughly grabbed the back of her hair and pulled her face up so that she was staring him directly in the eyes.

"I made it clear when we first began seeing each other that this was nothing more than a fling--a relationship without any strings attached. You're the one who deluded yourself into thinking that it was anything more than that. So, don't come to me with that bullshit or I'll cut you off good."

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