The Devil Dogs

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Once you were finished with your first two classes, you strolled down to the communal cafeteria to meet up with your friends, Usopp and Chopper. They flagged you down before walking over to a secluded table. Though they were the energetic bunch, they tended to keep to themselves when in public places, something you understood full well. Luffy brought in enough attention as is and you didn't need any more troublemakers in your hands.

"It's been a while since we hung out, haven't we?" Chopper commented as he took the first bite of his food.

"A while? We literally saw each other at the party." You fished around your bag for your neatly wrapped sandwich, exclaiming in joy when you found it buried under a mound of books.

"Wasn't it a week ago." Chopper began hungrily scarfing down his lunch as the three of you conversed over matters of interest.

"Was it? Man, time flies fast." You took a sip of your water. "It felt like yesterday when it happened."

"You're sense of time is whack, Y/n."

Usopp nodded as he dug into his own food. "Must have been all the excitement that caught up to you. It probably took you a whole week to process all that happened at the party. I don't blame you though, a shit ton happened. I mean, from the whole Ace fiasco to the blowout with Kid--that shit was crazy."

"I know right! I was completely surprised that Kid picked you up! I honestly thought that he'd murder you. You have no idea how worried we all were, especially Nami. She went over to Ace's place and completely bombarded him with questions." Chopper butted into while Usopp was still talking.

You winced. No doubt that was one of the worst experiences for the ravenette. Nami on a bad day was somehow worse than being yelled at by Kid.

"I really wish he hadn't." You groaned, "Now I owe him two favors instead of one. Can you believe that? That asshole thinks he can just take advantage of me whenever he wants." You stabbed your sandwich violently, causing your friends to jump back in terror as you did.

"R-R-Right, well, e-enough about Kid." Usopp cleared his throat before he waved a fork your way, a devious smile replacing his nervous one. "I'm more curious about the rumors I heard the other day."

Both you and Chopper glanced over at Usopp.

Rumors? What rumors did he mean?

"So, hey," Usopp said over several bites, "Is it true that you're Luffy's girlfriend?"

You choked on a piece of ham and began coughing violently into your sleeve. You had been caught off guard by that sudden and unexpected question. What had prompted him to ask that? Wasn't the answer obvious?

Chopper rubbed your back in concern as he shot Usopp a glare.

"What-What makes you think that?" You cleared your throat as you asked.

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