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Luffy had his face squished between the bars as he hollered out to the officers. But no matter how long he called out to them, no one came to listen to his pleas.

'What good was all this screaming if it reached deaf ears?' Law gritted his teeth and pushed down the urge to drill some common sense in the boy as he pressed his nails into his palm.

Truth be told, it was starting to get on Trafalgar's nerves and he'd have strangled the boy by now if he hadn't been surrounded by his two other brothers.

"If you're going to keep us against our will, at least get us something to eat. I'm starving!" The small ravenette whined, his scraggly hand pathetically scraping at that air to gain the attention of the individuals outside.

"Luf, they're keeping us against our will because we broke the law," The blonde shot a wink towards an unamused Trafalgar, "No pun intended."

Law inhaled and exhaled a few times before looking back up at Sabo, narrowing his eyes on the blonde as he mumbled to himself, 'I must have done something really wrong to have gotten roped in with these idiot brothers.'

"You've got the whole crowd laughing." Trafalgar then crossed his arms and averted his gaze from the blonde's twinkling eyes.

"Who says I'm not amused by it?" Ace's dark eyes flicked up to the other ravenette's silver ones.

It came to no surprise to Law that the eldest ravenette would try to find some reason to disagree with him. Much like Kid, Ace seemed to hold a certain... contempt for him.

"Your lack of laughter seems to be the reason." Law humorlessly smiled at the other boy.

Sabo rolled his eyes when his brother produced a very fake, very obnoxious laugh to piss off the other ravenette, which caused his eye to twitch.

"I see that your lack of subtlety over your resentment of me hasn't changed over the years..."

"My, aren't you a perceptive one, lanky bastard." Ace cocked his head to the side and gave the other ravenette a mocking smile.

"Freckled degenerate." Law snapped.

"Mushroom head."

"Could you guys be any more immature?" Sabo sighed, pushing down on his brother to prevent him from jumping Law, "And Law, I didn't expect you to play into Ace's hands, I thought you were smarter than that."

"Hard to do that when your brother is quite literally giving me a death stare." The ravenette scoffed, averting his eyes from the other male as the blonde pleaded, "Luf, help a brother out, won't you?"

When they didn't receive a response, the three turned towards the younger male and were taken aback to see his shriveled body huddled in the corner of the room.

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