Mall Shenanigans Pt. 2

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You stared at a random groove on your table as you munched on a chip, absentmindedly scratching away at the hole. And once you'd finished your meal and realized you were still hungry, you resorted to stealing bits of Zoro's.

Though he kicked your leg under the table and shot you a warning look, you could tell that he wasn't all that bothered by it, seeing as that it was a common occurrence between the two of you.

Nami, on the other hand, had been conversing with the others about school and other topics before suddenly switching to relationships. You didn't know what prompted her to bring it up, but you weren't complaining. This matter was rarely, if ever, boring.

And that certainly got your attention.

So, you listened in.

"Hey," Nami shoved at Zoro, alerting him to her presence.

"What?" He grumbled.

"What's your type?"

'Well, that came out of the blue. She certainly knows how to cut straight to the point...,' You mumbled to yourself.

"My type? My type of what?" The mint-head sighed out in irritation as he fixed his one good eye on the ginger.

"The type of person you're interested in? You know, like tall or short, sexy or reserved."

Zoro rolled his eyes. "Do you honestly think that'd I'd be thinking about that shit?"

Nami crossed her arms and glared at him, "Just answer the question, moss-head."

A vein popped on his head.

"Fuck this..., but with a sigh, he answered, "I suppose, if I had to answer--I guess my type would be sharp... and dangerous."

Nami raised a brow before huffing at his response, as if saying, 'Don't pull that BS with me,'

"Could you be alluding to your swords, Zoro?"

Instead of replying though, he closed his eyes and leaned back, blatantly ignoring her question.

His posture practically screamed, 'Don't talk to me or I'll kill you' as you shrugged at your fuming friend.

"Oh, whatever. It was my fault for asking him in the first place."

With a sigh, she redirected her attention from the moss-head to the quiet ravenette across from you.

"Instead of talking about Zoro, why don't we talk about you? I've been curious," Nami twirled her fork in the air, pointing it straight at Robin as she asked, "How did someone like Franky get with someone like you?"

Robin swallowed her food before answering, "Oh, it's nothing special. We were paired for an assignment in a class during our... freshman year, I believe? And after a year or so of being friends, he asked me out on a date... and the rest is history."

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