Birthday Bash!

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Law blew out an exasperated sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose as he fell back into his couch, his body instantly unwinding under the soft cushions supporting his brittle bones.

After a day of backbreaking work in the hospital, the ravenette was more than was ready to toss back and spend the rest of his time reading a book and unwinding with a glass of wine. Unfortunately for him, this was not to be, especially when he heard the tell-tale cry of his phone by the glass table stand.

With a growl, the male stood up and went over to the device. He flipped it open and scanned over the first text message that appeared on his lock screen.

It was from you.

Had it been any other person, he might have just thrown his phone aside and moved onto more interesting things, but as much as he hated to admit it, he was curious as to what you had to say.

He debated on answering but ultimately succumbed to his curiosity when another message appeared.

Y/n (Idiot 2.0)

Y/n: Hey!

Y/n: Wya rn?

Delivered at 3:21 p.m.

Read at 3:35 p.m.

Law: Y/n-ya?

Law: Why.

Y/n: You took a long ass time replying to that. >:(

Law: I'm under no obligation to answer your texts.

Law: Be grateful that I am.

Law: And I'm at my apartment--as usual.

Law: Why?

Y/n: Rude as always. :(

Y/n: And no reason!

Y/n: I'll be there shortly!

Law: Wait--

Law: What?

Law: You're not coming over and that's final.

Y/n: Booooooo.

Y/n: Don't tell me you've forgotten?

Law: Forgotten?

Y/n: Nvm. :(

Y/n: You're an idiot, aren't you?

Law: I don't want to hear that from you of all people.

Y/n: :(

Law: Quit it with the sad face.

Y/n: Then stop saying mean things.

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