The Talk

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Pudding took one last look in her mirror before pocketing her device, flipping her hair over to the side to complete her look. As usual, she looked stunning, no matter how little effort she put into her outfits.

With a deep inhale, she mustered the courage to knock on the door, holding the bag tightly in her hand as it swung open. Marco stood on the other end, his eyes droopy when they fell onto the girl. He produced a big yawn as he glanced down at her, scrubbing at his unkempt hair despite her glare of impatience.

"Oh, Marco." She dully exclaimed as she looked over his shoulder into the spacious home, "Is Ace here?"

The blonde glanced over his shoulder and shrugged. Knowing he was here, Marco did everything in his power to keep the other at bay, even going as far as telling her that he was out of town. Of course, Pudding matter-of-factly stated that she'd stay there until he returned, annoying Marco to no end. How was he supposed to hold back a woman as voraciously persistent as her? This is why he veered away from the dating world. The drama just wasn't for him.

Unfortunately, Marco's little lie went up in flames when the ravenette walked out his room, his hair freshly damp and a towel slung over his shoulders, barely concealing the map of scars and tattoos littering the top half of his body.

Pudding took a one-over, her eyes rolling into her head as soon as she'd caught sight of his muscular, dewy figure, but what really caught her off guard was the towel hanging precariously low on his hips, even going as far as revealing the deep v-line below his abdomen. If she was close to passing out before, now it was even worse. How could she not look at him without producing a nose bleed like that buffoon Sanji?

Her eyes continued to rove down his tanned pectorals and finely toned abnormal muscles.

He was the perfect embodiment of a Greek god.

As soon as she was caught staring, the girl raised her eyes and smiled coyly at the male. The muscles in his arms tensed when he caught sight of her, immediately using his discarded towel to cover up his body to prevent her from seeing any more.

"Ace--You fucking idiot." Marco dropped his face into his hands when he had no choice but to move out of the way when Pudding shoved past him.

"Ace," She confidently conveyed, "I came to see you."

His eyes narrowed on her, fixing into a deadly glare as he slung a loose hoodie over his shoulders.

"Who told you to come here?" He asked, but before she had the chance to answer, he shot her with another question, "And who gave you this address? Last I checked, I didn't tell you where I moved when I came back."

Pudding's mouth opened and closed like that of a fish on land as she attempted to reorganize her thoughts. "I asked around for it. There was bound to be some fangirl of yours who knew it, and as it turned out, I was right," She walked through the door and beelined straight for him, all the while holding out a large bag to him, "but besides that, you asked why I came." She swallowed the lump in her throat.

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